Chapter 17

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****Dustin's POV****(before the kiss)

I hope she doesn't realize I never had a jacket with me. We're searching for my "missing" jacket around her living room. I can tell she's getting a little frustrated at not being able to find it. Please just give up and and forget about it!

Thankfully, she lost interest in the search and plopped down on the couch. I joined her and just relaxed for a bit. Man, this girl sure is making her way into my heart. It's so stupid to say that I'm slowly falling for this girl after knowing her for only a few days, but I can feel it. Everytime I see her, I feel my heart clench at her beauty. She was so friendly with me on my first day, when I was expecting to just be ignored by most kids. She made me feel welcomed here, and finding out our parents were coworkers just made me feel so much happier. That meant we would probably get a lot more closer and hopefully as close as I wanted it. 

But of course, she had to have a boyfriend when I first met her. Brent sure is a lucky guy to have a girl like her. I can tell they really like each other just by how they look at each other. How I really wish I can be her boyfriend, I'm not some douche who will try and steal another guy's girl. I respect Brent and wish him and Kayla the best. 

"So you and Brent doing okay?" I asked her trying to get her talking. 

"Yeah, we're doing good." she said with a smile. Ugh, if only she knew what that smile does to me. 

"He really makes you happy doesn't he?" Even though I wish I was the one making her this happy, Brent and her make a cute couple. 

I got the pleasure of seeing her smile again. She nodded her head yes with that cute little smile stuck on her face. 

"You look really cute when you smile." I blurted out before I could stop myself. Damn it! Yes I have a thing for her, but I'm not gonna ruin her relationship with Brent. 

"Thanks Dustin." I heard her say. I looked at her and saw her hiding behind her beautifully hair that I just wanna run my hands through. I could see her blushing behind her hair, and that made me smile. Knowing that I made her blush made me continue. 

"Hey, there's no need to hide your face. You're beautiful." I can't believe I'm saying all these things to her! Of course, I really like her, and everything I'm saying is absolutely true, but what if I steal her from Brent? I'm not gonna hurt him like that. Even though I would completely love to have her as my girlfriend, I can't do that to Brent. 

I saw her cheeks get even redder from my comment. "I'm really not. I'm just an average girl." she muttered.

Is she serious?! How could she think that about herself?! She's the most amazing girl I've ever met, and she thinks she's just some regular girl?! She has to see exactly how amazing she is compared to the rest of the girls in our school. 

"Don't ever say that. You're cute, pretty, smart, do I even need to continue? Kayla you're not just some girl. You're amazing." I couldn't help myself as I gently grabbed her face in my hands, stroking her cheeks with my thumbs. 

"Thanks. You're pretty amazing yourself." 

"Not as great as you are." I whispered, feeling myself getting hot and bothered. 

I could tell she felt it too cause the atmosphere just changed to exactly how I was feeling. I gazed at her face, her sparkling eyes, her cute nose, her smooth cheeks, and finally her soft pink lips. I was entranced by the beauty of her face that I started leaning in. I was so happy to see her leaning in too. After what felt like an eternity, my lips finally locked onto hers. Oh god, this was better then I could ever imagine. Her lips felt so warm against mine while I kissed her gently. She was unmoving underneath me, but I finally felt her kissing me back. I wanted to jump for joy that she was actually kissing me back. I felt her petite hands curl around my neck, pulling me close. My skin tingled where she was touching me. Wanting her even closer, my arms found their way to her waist, crushing her painfully closer to me. I didn't care at all about the pain though cause we were so caught up in this kiss to care. 

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