Chapter 30

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Little heads up, I guessed on some of the procedures doctors do after waking up from a coma, so sorry if your not suppose to do that.

****Dustin's POV****

"Should we wake her?" 

"No let...had a rough day."

"Should we at.... her?

"She'll be fine." 

I kept slipping in and out of consciousness. I was trying to stay awake, but my body kept betraying me, trying to kept me to go back to sleep. I wanted to so badly, but the voices I heard were keeping me up. They sounded so faint, and I wouldn't hear some of their sentences as my mind would go back to sleep. 

"Poor Kayla, she'll be okay." 

Kayla! When the voice said Kayla, my mind finally started to wake, along with my body. I don't know what's wrong with Kayla, but I wanted to see her. I started getting feeling back in my body, but my eyes were still closed. I tried to move, any part of my body to move. I felt a pressure in my hand and knew it was Kayla's hand. I gently squeezed her hand, but got no reaction. Her hand was limp. She was probably asleep. I opened my eyes slowly, but to quickly shut them again from the blinding light. I tried again and was able to keep my eyes open. My eyesight was a little blurry, but I made out two figures standing in the corner, their backs to me. As my vision cleared, I saw that it was my mom and Kayla's mom. 

"Mom." I croaked out. I was surprised I could even say anything. With my senses finally back, I could tell my throat felt like sandpaper, so dry and burnt whenever I tried to speak. My body was no better. I felt so weak and I could barely move. One twitch of my hand caused me enough effort. My arms, legs, and neck felt so sore and cramped, like I was sleeping in the same position for days. I felt like I just took a nap. 

I heard a gasp from the women before they turned around. 

"Doctor! Get in here quickly!" she yelled before running over to me. Huh? Why is she calling a doctor?

"Oh Dustin, my poor baby." she whispered stroking my face.

"W-water." I croaked again. Kayla's mom quickly grabbed a water jug and poured me some water. I took it gratefully and gulped it down. I finally took in my surroundings. I saw that it was a hospital room, and it was then that I noticed I was hooked up to a machine. I heard a steady beating in the background. I looked down at myself and saw I was dressed in a gown in a hospital bed.

"What's going on?" I asked confused and scared. Why was I in a hospital? What happened?

"Oh thank god your awake Dustin. I'll got get the doctor." I turned to see a nurse in the doorway.

"Why am I in a hospital?" I asked even more confused.

"What's the last thing you remember Dustin?" my mom said gently.

I thought back as far as I could. Weird, my memory seems really fuzzy. I could barely remember what happened the past week. I remember being there for Kayla at her volleyball practice, something happened, I was with her in school, waiting for her.

"I stayed after school." I said. I feel like something happened after that, but my memory was unclear.

"Nothing else?" my mom pressed.

That's when it all came rushing back. Seeing Brent and Kayla kissing outside of the school, running out into the streets, Kayla was yelling at me, and then I..I got hit by a truck.

I looked down at my body, lifting the sheets and gown off of my torso. I saw some fading scars running along my stomach. My head felt so dizzy, yet as heavy as lead at the same time. I ran my hand through my hair and was surprised to find a few little bumps running along in a long line down my head.

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