Chapter 7

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****Kayla's POV****

Before I knew it, it was already Friday. Our little Welcome Dance is happening later tonight. Kristi was talking to me about asking Ted to it.

"Dude you totally should. You two would make such a cute couple!" I said encouragingly. 

"Shut up! Do you want a bullhorn so you can tell everyone in this school that I like him?!" she hissed. 

"Sorry! But it's so cute! You two are already really close friends, and I'm pretty sure he likes you two. You just have to man up and ask him!" I said holding up my hands. 

"Ugh. What if your wrong and he doesn't like me and says no?" she said with a sad face. 

"But what if says yes? You have to take the risk and ask him. Besides, it's just to the dance. It's not like you guys are automatically a couple. If it doesn't work out, then you guys just don't get together."

"Yeah yeah. I guess your right. Whatever, enough about my love life. You taking anyone?" she said giving me a look.

"Pfft. Yeah, like I'll ever find anyone who would go with me. Besides, there isn't anyone I want to go with."

"You sure about that? There isn't ANYONE you don't wanna go with?"

"What are you implying?" Seriously, what does she mean? Is she saying that I'm crushing on someone when I don't even know it. 

"Nevermind. Hey I'll catch up with you later. I gotta go do something."

"Like go ask a certain someone to a certain dance?" I said with a smirk.

"Later!! And you're gonna be there with me." she said while pointing a finger at me. 

"Don't worry. I got your back."

"K see ya!"

****Kristi's POV****

Kayla can be so stupid sometimes. How can she not know? Basically everyone else knows how much Brent loves her, except for her.

If Brent doesn't do something quick, I'm gonna do it for him.

"Hey Ted, have you seen Brent?" I said when I spotted Ted at his locker. I was trying my best from blushing at seeing him. Man I really do like him. 

"Yeah. I saw him coming outta Mr. Serg's room."

"Thanks Ted."

I ran over there and spotted Brent. I walked up to him and cornered him. 

"Brent, are you gonna ask her?" I said.

"Ask who what?" he said, acting dumb. 

"You know what I'm talking about. Are you gonna go ask Kayla to the dance or not?!"

"Uh..umm..I-I don't know what you're talking about." he said nervously.

"Oh stop acting dumb. Yes, I know you like Kayla. Basically everyone does."

He face palmed. "Is it really that obvious?" 

"To her friends yeah. So are you gonna ask her or not?" 

Sighing he said, "I can't. She'll be freaked out that I like her. She'll probably say no if I ask her."

"Dude, I can tell that she's always wanted to have a boyfriend. Her own little love story. She doesn't know it yet, but I can tell that she likes you too."

"But if she doesn't know it yet, how do you know she'll say yes?"

"I just do Brent. Do me a favor, and man up and go make Kayla happy." And with that, I left him to his thoughts. I really hope he can do it. 

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