Chapter 8

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****Brent's POV****

Wow. Kristi really does care about Kayla. And she's smarter then she lets on. But maybe I'm just a horrible actor and can't keep my feelings a secret. Really? Basically everyone knew about my crush? But do they know how big the crush is?

God does this mean Kayla knew? Is that why she stopped asking me who I liked because she already knew? Oh no no no this is bad. Very bad! She knows?! How can I let this happen? How did she find out?! Well apparently, I can't hide my feelings very well and everyone knows. Ugh but really?! She knows now?!

But maybe that isn't that bad. I mean, we texted the other night and she wrote love ya at the end of her text. That has to mean something right? She never does that. The only time she did that was when we left for summer. And now she just randomly says it at the end of a text? Maybe that means something. But we haven't talked to each other that much since then. But that text had to mean something. She doesn't just say that in any old text. Does that mean she feels something too?

I don't wanna get my hopes up, but I felt happy, excited that maybe, maybe I do have a chance. But is it worth the risk and go do what Kristi said? What if my suspicions are wrong and Kristi's wrong and she just laughs at my face and rejects me? Any of this is very possible. But can I be brave enough and take the risk? 


Okay, so I already chickened out on asking her to the dance. But I do have something planned for the dance. I doubt it'll work, and there's a very real chance that she'll run away screaming, but I've made up my mind and I'm going to ask her tonight. As soon as I get the chance to get her alone. 

Kristi was pretty upset when she learned that I didn't ask her to the dance, but when she heard what I was about to do, she was all for it. Before I even noticed, Becca, Connie, and Vanessa were bombarding me with all their excitement. I spent 10 minutes of my life hearing a million "Oh my god! You have to do it!! This is so cute! Oh my god!" 

This is what I get for telling Kristi. Of course she would blab to the rest of them. But it does kind of help cause they're gonna help me. They said they'll be constantly crowding Kayla and pushing her into a lot of people. Kayla's claustrophobic, and she'll probably step outside for a breather. There may be some people out there, but hopefully there won't be. 

Soon enough, I saw Connie run up to me and tell me that she's outside by herself. I all but ran out, while hearing encouraging words from her and my friends. 

I skidded to a stop when I saw her outside leaning against a tree. I started walking up to her. 

"Hey. You okay?" I said. 

"Yeah, there's just no air in there. I needed a breather." Kayla said. 

"Cool same here." I said. God I'm just trying to distract myself. In an effort to start this, I scooted closer to her until our arms were touching. She didn't react to it, so I just stayed there.

Okay, how do I do this? My plan was just to come out and tell her that I've been crushing on her. Probably not one of my best plans, but I think it's about time I tell her, cause she's been showing signs of liking me for awhile now. And her friends are saying that she does like me, she just doesn't know it yet. 

Alright, just man up and tell her. Short and simple. Kayla I like you. There that seems okay, right?

Okay it's not the time to worry about that now, I just have to get this out before I run back into the gym.

I was about to call her, but I saw how lost in thought she was. She looked, well, beautiful. Her face was perfectly shaped, her hair falling perfectly around her shoulders, her eyes just piercing, and her lips. God her lips, they looked so soft and inviting. 

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