Memory removal

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I try desperately not to think of her but despite my best efforts she still sneaks her way into my head.

Tears fill my eyes and begin to slide down my face as I replay the events of the other night in my hed once more.

"We're under attack!" Screamed many people. Some of them looked at me as if I had something to do with it.
But I was changed. I had met the love of my life, gotten married and had a beautiful baby girl.

"Layana," I called throughout the commotion, "Layana come here!" I was really woried, my daughter was my life. My wife, Sygin had died during child birth and if Layana were to die as well then , I dont know what I would do.

Just then I felt a tug on my cape, and when I looked down I saw the 9 year old princess. "Layana!" I said picking her up and beginning to run. "Daddy, im scared!" She started crying. I couldn't bare to see her like this, it just broke my heart. " I know." I said as we came up to the bifrost. "Heimdal, send us to midgard." I ordered with a worried look on my face. Heimdal nodded and put the sword in the bifrost.

I could feel the ground leave underneath my feet and reapear almost as if it were just an illusion.

When we arrive I look around and ses that we are in a desert. Really Heimdal? You couldn't have brought us to avengers tower or something? Oh well, it's too dangerous to bring her back to asgard to switch destinations.'

I then had an idea, and I put it into action. I used my magic to make her sleep. I then used the mindstone in my scepter, (I had brought it along for protection),
to remove any memories of myself, her life in asgard, and her name. Tears were sliding my face by this point.

After the memories were removed I layed my darling girl down in the sand worrying about if she would get heatstroke, but remembered that she's strong and smart. By the time she would be waking up the sun will have barely harmed and she will know to move into some shade.

After stepping a reasonable distance away from Layana, I called Heimdal for him to bring me back. The bifrost seemed to pick me up in some sort of cage, not able to move. All I could do was let the tears slide down my face as it brought me upwards and away from my daughter.

When I arrived in Asgard I collapsed from all the stress and let the tears slide down my face and even a few sobs.
"You did the right thing " Heimdal had said.
"Did I?"
" Yes Layana is strong, the memories will come back over time, and when it does she will know to call me." He reasured me.
"Ok" I said still rather unsure, walked back to my room.

I keep crying. At least the danger will most likely pass by the time she gets back. I still miss her alot.

When the time comes to go to bed I cannot sleep in my own bed, so I walk over to Layana's room and lay down in her bed.

Im sorry Layana. I had to do it in order to keep you
safe. I drift away into dreams of a world where Layana is still with me and all is right with the world.

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