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{ Loki }

I hear a loud bang, then an eruption of screams. Is it fireworks? While my precious daughter is lost in midgard. Fireworks?!

I storm out of her room and look around. No fireworks, just another attack.

I can't help but smirk slightly. I may be a changed man but I am still the god of mischief and I still enjoy the chaos, especially when my dear Layana isn't caught in the middle of it all.

I run to Layana's room, where my scepter is still sitting in the corner. I grab it and run to fight.

When I arrive at the center of the chaos and damage, I find Thor.

He's knealing next to an injured citizen, with his cape and hammer. He looks so majestic.

"Brother, what happened?" I ask, marching up to him.

"They sent bombs." He says plainly, not even looking up at me, as if it happens all the time.

"Who's 'they'" I ask slightly impatient with his lack of specific imformation.

"I don't know brother," he says looking up at me at last, "my guess would be the frost giants."

I shudder with disgust. I had been raised to hate the frost giants, and ever since I found out that I was a just a frost giant adopted into an asgardian world, I hated them more. Maybe sending Layana off wasn't such a bad idea afterall.

I see the people sending me suspicious glances from all around. They think it was me.

" It wasn't me." I mutter, frustrated.

Must they look to me with fear when ever something bad happens? I guess I deserve it, but it still hurts.

"I know brother," Thor says looking at me with a brotherly love, "give them time."

As much as I claimed to hate him, I still feel the brotherly affection that's in the room when ever we are together. It makes me regret everything I did to him, twice as much as I already do.

Suddenly I hear another bomb exploding in another part of the palace.

Thor and I both look in that direction, and as if on a silent cue, we both grab our weapons and run.

When we arrive, I see the people lying on the ground injured or dead. There far too many to count.

I smile slighlty at the relief of having sent Layana to midgard. She could've been one of those people, but she is safe. I hope they don't bomb her room.

I snap back into focus and see thor running around to all the people checking on them. I should go help him. I begin walking to all the people he hasnt been to and look at them.

Im no healer, but then again neither is thor and he seems to be doing a pretty good job. I check their pulse, then their breathing. I do this for everyone in the room until thor and I have finished and meet somewhere near the middle of the room.

"Most are fine but 1 or 2 are dead." He says, his voice drenched with a heavy sadness.

" Most that I checked seem fine as well, but there were how ever a few who died" I say plainly.

Suddenly, I feel a strong urge to go and kill a frost giant. An important one at that. Revenge. They were the ones who made me have to send her away.

The anger boiling inside of me bubbles and bubbles until it reahes the top, then boils over.

"Loki, we dont even know if it's them." Thor says sternly, as if he can read my mind.

But He doesnt even need to read my mind to know what I want to do right now. It must be written on my face right now. Written in bright big and bold letters right across my forehead.

He's right though. We dont know. We don't know if it was the frost giants or who else it could be if it isn't them.

With one last glance at thor I swiftly walk away, toward the exit.

"Loki," Thor says, "where are you going? "

I stop.

"To Heimdal" I say simply, not even glancing back at him, then continue walking.

When I reach Heimdal, he is at the bifrost looking out intot the distance with his usual faraway gaze.

I walk up to him.

"Loki," he says, still looking away, "do you wish to hear more of how she is doing?"

I know he means Layana, and yes I do but there are more important things to deal with first.

"Yes, but later," I say looking away, I can feel his faraway gaze burning into my skin, "I'd like you to tell me if you know who's been attacking us."

"Why do you want to know? " he asks.

I try to think of a reason but he continues.

"Is it for defense or revenge?" He asks still looking at me.

I quickly lie, "I have no reason to desire revenge."

"You have Layana." He points out.

He knows im lying. I gulp. Most people can't tell when I'm lying, but he can.

"Just please tell me." I say, calm and vulnerable.

"You know I can't do that Loki," He says strictly, "unless I know it is not for revenge purposes, I am bound by law and cannot tell you."

I stand there, silent and completely still for what seems like hours, trying to process this crazy situation. It doesn't make sense. Layana is in some lonely desert without her memories of asgard, or me. Asgard may be about to go to war, and everyone thinks I have something to do with it. I here with Heimdal, trying to find out who is attacking us and he won't tell me.

This isn't the way it should be.

"How is she." I say, changing the subject, finally.

"She is lucky, nothing out there can smell her blood." He says turning to look back into the distance.

She was bleeding? I panick.

"She was hungry and thirsty, and wasn't sleeping. She remembered that there is water within the cacti, and start attacking one. Evetually she collapsed from exhaustion, hunger, thirst and pain." He answers my unspoken question.

My heart feels like it was just stolen and squeezed as hard as possible then ripped to tiny shreads. she's dying out there. She's dying and It's all your fault.

" How long?" I manage to ask with much stuttering.

"A few hours." He says still looking away.

I was wrong. It wasn't being squeezed as hard as possible. Now it is though.

"Thank you." I say, trying not to sound like I'm about to explode into tears any minute.

I quickly walk away, to Layana's room.

Once I get there I cry. Just cry. It makes me feel weak and vulnerable but I do it anyways.

When she finds her way back home, I'll give her the biggest hug she's ever had.

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