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{ Layana }

I look around, pleased with the system David and I have going.

When someone comes, I hide in the corner while David does his best to get rid of the visitor. When david gets his food, he shares it with me. Then we sleep.

I've been at David's house many nights and have had many dreams. I've begun to notice a pattern in the memories, if I ask a question that only my memories can answer, that specific memory will come.

I walk over to David, who is looking out the window warily.

"Is something wrong? " I ask with concern.

He looks slightly startled, as if he forgot someone else was here. He looks around for a few seconds, then when he sees me, he shakes his head quickly.

"No. Nothing's wrong" he says quickly, still shaking is head.

I get the feeling he's lying but I let it go.

I'm about to sit down when I hear footsteps coming up to the hut. I look at David, who still looks somewhat distracted, then run over to he corner.

Almost before, I am in the corner, I hear Lisa come in.

"David, " she says, "you need to go out and do something. "

"Why? "

"Because with you hiding in here all the time, people are going to suspect that you are hiding something. " she says.

I know that by 'something' she means me. The outsider girl.

"But I'm not" David replies, perhaps a bit too quickly for it not to be suspicious.

There is a pause, and I can imagine Lisa staring at him suspiciously.

"No," she says finally,  "of course not."

Then I hear her leave the house.

When I come back out into the open, I see David standing close to the entrance. He looks tired from hiding me all the time. He should be able to leave when ever he wants, without the chance of me getting caught.

An idea comes to me. I could go to bed, and sleep until I had a dream of how to get back to asgard, then sneak out while he slept. Yes this is a good plan, it will do quite well.

"David, " I say, quietly,  "I think I'm going to take a nap"

He nods, absent minded and I lie down.

I see my dad and Thor. Thor is telling me a story while my dad strokes my hair.

It was a story of how he left asgard and came back.

"How did you come back?" I ask lookig at him with curiosity.

He smiles, "I called Heimdal, to open the bifrost."

I still want to know more, so I continue asking questions.

"So you just yelled at the sky and it opened up?" I ask in aw.

Thor begins to chuckle.

"So many questions, young one," he says shaking his head, "but yes, that is what I did"

"Woah! " I whisper in amazement.

"So now you know how to get home if ever you leave Asgard." My dad says.

I wake up and it is already night. I get up and maneuver around the hut, trying my best not to wake David.

When I make out side, I walk carefully trying not to knock anything over, but fail miserably.

I knock over a clay pot and it crashes to the ground. I look around frantically, hoping no one woke up. When I hear the footsteps of someone moving in one of the houses I bolt.

I run as fast as I can, while still being silent. Then I hear a gunshot and feel a piercing pain in my chest. I instinctively clutch my wound with my hands falling down to my knees. I look down at it to see my red blood oozing from the wound and into my hands.

I turn my head around to see the one who shot me.

I can't see her well because of the distance between us and the darkness surrounding me, but I can make out some details. She is tall with dark hair that reaches her waist.

"Layana!" I hear him scream my name with desperation.

I'm sorry David.

" Lisa." I listen as his voice goes cold as ice and I see him approach the woman, Lisa.

My vision grows darker by the second, reminding of the cactus incident.

I want to go back home. I just want to go back to my dad.

Right then, I remember something that I had forgotten in the excitement of the past few minutes.

"Heim-" my voice breaks and everything goes dark my last houghts being, take me home.

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