On My Way

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{ Layana }

I gaze out around us at the frosty landscape. Its so cold and eerie. A feeling I had failed to notice while getting ready, sparks up and I inch closer to Thor. Fear.

Thor begins walking glancing back every few minutes to make sure I don't fall behind. With much struggling I manage to keep up, stumbling over the frozen ground every once in a while.

I wonder if we'll make it there in time, if we'll save him. I wonder if we're already too late. What if he's already gone? What if we're just walking into our own death? What if...? No. I will not think about that right now. I will never think about that. Never.

"Uncle Thor," I whine, "how much longer?"

He stops and looks back to me with a look of care in his eyes. But I can see something else behind it. Frustration. He's frustrated that I convinced him to bring me along. He's frustrated that now he can't go as fast as he wants to save his brother. My father.

I wonder if it was the right decision to come along. Would he have brought my dad back by now if I hadn't insisted on coming?

"We're almost there. Don't worry, Layana. We'll find him." He reasures me.

I nod and smile. Not a full joyful smile, but a half hearted smile full of fear and worry.

We keep walking with him leading the way and me falling and stumbling behind.

I don't know how long we walk for before we see a large group of frostgiants. They crowd around what seems to be a pit.

My heart lurches when I remember the stories torture stories people would tell me to scare me into behaving.

Before Thor can stop me, I'm running toward the pit at full speed. I weave through the frostgiants until I'm at the rim of the pit.

I see him instantly. He splayed across the ground, motionless. Time slows down and rage fills me as I jump down to join him. How could they do this to my dad?

At this point I don't even care that the frostgiants are yelling at me and that Thor is going to lecture me later. I need to save my dad.

When I reach him, tears fill my eyes and I kneel down beside him, trying to wake him up.

"Daddy!" I scream, the tears falling down my face.


"Daddy! Wake up!" I scream.

He still lies there, motionless.

"Daddy!" I yell.

He can't be gone. I refuse.

" Daddy!" I yell again.

I refuse.

"Daddy please" I whisper.

Then he stirs and opens his eyes.

" Layana?" He says in a raspy dehydrated voice.

Tears of relief take over and I pull him in for a hug.

" We're bringing you home!" I whisper in delight.

He pulls back for a moment to reveal the shocked look on his face. The smile that had just appeared on my face quickly disappears.

"Layana! Who let you come here?" He says as loud as he can without it being too painful.

" Uncle Thor brought me! We're here to rescue you!" I say, repeating what I just said.

He starts looking around frantically until he sees Thor fighting off a frost giant.

"Daddy, it's going to be okay." I whisper, hugging as tightly as possible.

He shakes his head and I can see the tears forming in his eyes.

"No Layana! This is only way to save you. I want to be the good guy for once. Just go back home." He tells me in a strict tone that suggests that I shouldn't argue.

I do it anyways.

"No Daddy!" I say through the sobs that make my breath raspy and shaky, "I don't want you to save me if you can't come home."

He looks at me with a look of intense love and remorse.

"Layana. You have to make sacrifices for the people you love." He says, sobbing himself now.

I shake my head, sending my tears flying off my face.

"I don't want you to make this sacrifice. " I whisper in a high pitched voice, full of tears and sadness.

I hear a growling sound from behind me and turn around to see a beast, slowly walking to us. I know he's coming for my dad and I cry even harder. It gets closer and closer, causing my brain to lose control of my body. It raises a paw with razor sharp claws to strike on my dad, but when he strikes, his paw doesn't tear through my dad, but me.

I don't know how I got there, but I now lay curled up in a ball on the ground, my blood staining the ground. I can feel my surroundings fade away, just like when the woman in the desert shot me. I can see the world go dark. I can hear the voices of the people around me, but only as a far away echo.

I whisper my last words into the wind" You have to make sacrifices for the people you love."

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