A Miracle

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{ Loki }

The time after we get back in the bifrost goes by as a blur. We say our thanks to Heimdal and run off to the healers room with Layana still in Thor's arms. The whole time, I'm worried about her and it takes all of my effort not to lose hope.

When we get to the healers room, they take Layana from us and place her on a bed.

My eyes betray me with the tears that slide down my pale face, when I see her. She looks so pale and weak. It breaks my heart.

After a few minutes of work, the healer comes to me to tell me how Layana is doing.

"It's a miracle she isn't dead." She says with a half hearted smile that is meant to cheer me up.

It doesn't.

" So, how is she?" I ask, nodding at her last statement.

"She should be awake within the next few days at most." She says, before walking away without giving me a chance to reply.

I walk over to the chair that had served as a place to live the last ime she was here, and sit down.

Now for the wait.


Thor and I sit there for what feels like weeks but must really be days. I tried to tell him to leave, but he insisted that, as it was his fault, he should stay. I don't believe him though. It's my fault.

Then I hear the sound I've been waiting for days to hear. The sound of Layana waking up.

when I see her eyes open, I put on my most comforting smile. I watch as her eyes light up at the sight of me and the confused look on her face fades into a pained smile.

"Layana." I say, softly.

"Daddy." She whispers in a hoarse voice.

I get up and go get her a glass of water. She gladly accepts it and starts drinking.

I can't help but feel guilty. This is the second time she's been in the healer's room within the last month and its all because of some poor decisions I made.

When Layana finishes drinking her water, Thor decides to greet her.

"Layana, it is so good to see you well again." He says in an uncharacteristically quiet voice.

It's truly amazing, how quiet someone who's voice is usually booming above the crowds, can get in certain situations.

A healer comes into the room and smiles when she sees Layana.

"Now that she's awake, in a few days she can leave. She just has to be careful." The healer tells me.

I smile and nod, pleased with the idea of finally having Layana back.

Life is finally going good.

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