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I keep walking through the sand, despite my exhaustion. I haven't been sleeping lately, every time I try I have the same dream with the man. I don't know his name.

I turn to look at the moon, trying to figure out how much time I have left before the sun comes up to continue burning my already burnt skin. Probably about 3 hours. I quicken my pace, almost falling over.

I've pretty much mastered walking in the sand, with all the practice I've been getting.

I keep an eye out, looking for signs of life in this god forsaken place. Nothing. I keep looking.

I feel hunger growing and remember that the last time was sometime before the desert. I should look for food.

I quickly glance at the sky, checking how much time I have left. 2 and a half hours.

I quickly walk around around to the dfferent plants, smelling them and making sure they're fine. Hunger bites at my stomach while I try to find something. It has also come to my attention,  tha I haven't had any water since before the desert either.

There is water in the cacti, I remember.

Without something to slice it open with it will be hard. That doesn't stop me. I march up to the nearest cactus and start trying to grab it and kick it. I scream out in pain as a thorn stabs my foot through the cloth. I must get the water I think. Without it I will die. I repeat those thoughts in my head over and over. Tears streaming down my face and blood soaking the ground around me, I keep attacking the cactus in hopes that it will give me water.

This goes on for hours, until the agony is too much for me to bare and I collapse to the blood red sand.

My feet and hands sting to the point of dizziness and I cant get back up.

I hope nothing out here can smell my blood.

As I lay in the sand, the only thing I can do is watch the moon and wait for the sun. I want to take off the cloths on my feet, but I have nothing else to put on and I dont want to burn my feet.

I lay there for hours. The sun comes up, then goes down, and I still I lay there. I can feel the burns the sun has caused on my skin. They throb like helhiem it's self.

Slowly I get up, holding back screams as I put my weight on the thorn cuts. I try to walk but the burns and cuts make it nearly impossible to get anywhere. Slowly I move in any direction I can, leaving red prints where ever I go.

The world is spinning, and colours fly everywhere.  I can't tell where I'm going anymore, but I hope its safe. Every time I take a step, the world goes darker and my feet feel as if they are being stabbed all over again.

Suddenly, it becomes too much and I collapse,  exploding into tears of frustration, confusion and pain.

The world keeps getting darker until it is black and I fall involuntarily into a deep slumber.

I see the man. He is looking at me with his normal loving gaze.

But this times it's different. He looks familiar, and not just because he's been in my dreams before. No. It's a different kind of familiar. The kind of familiar when you've met them before. Have I met him before?

"Come to me," he says, as usual, "come Layana"

I inhale sharply at the realization of something, as I wake up. What if these dreams aren't... dreams?

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