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Come to me," says a man dressed green, black and gold, " come Layana."
His emerald green eyes are soft with love and affection. His raven black hair is slicked back and his skin is pale. His clothes are black with golden armour. His long green cape flows out behind him as he moves toward me.

My eyes open, and I see that I am still in the desert. I slowly get up and look around.

The sky is darkening and the hot sticky air is cooling. My surroundings are in a slightly blue tone. Now that the sun is down I should start trying to find help.

I start walking away from the tree my feet sinking in the sand with every step. Im getting better at walking through the sand.

As I walk alone I am left with only my thoughts. I start thinking about the dream I just had. Who is Layana? Am I Layana? I might be. Who was the man? Do I know him? So many questions.

After about an hour of walking, my legs are sore and I feel dehydrated. I look around for somewhere to rest, or at least some water, but nothing. There is nothing out here.

"WHY IS THERE NOTHING OUT HERE???" I scream at the top of my lungs.

My eyes fill with tears, im all alone. There is no one else. I might be the last person left on this wretched world.

I collapse on the gound my tears sliding down my face, and silent sobs escaping. Where are my parents? Everyone has parents, where are mine?

I sit there and cry for a long time. I cry until my throat hurts.

When I finnish crying I slowly get up and keep moving. I walk and walk until I fall over from exhaustion, then I sit there for a minute wondering if I should give up or if I've gone the wrong way then get up and keep walking. This goes on for hours. Until the sun comes back up and I must rest for a moment.

After I rest I continue to walk until the heat is too unbearable. I should chop off my hair, I think looking down at my long raven black hair. I'd be cool then. But I dont have anything to cut it with.

Instead I just sit and wonder when I will see someone. I hope I find someone soon. Im overheating now and my long green dress isn't helping. Suddenly I have an idea.

I start ripping my floor length dress until I have a large peice fabrick and a dress that just barely covers me. I then rip the piece of fabrick into smaller pieces. I take one of the pieces and tie it around my hair to make a ponytail. I rip the last piece of fabrick into two pieces just big enough to cover my feet. I take off my shoes, I only kept them on in the first place because the hot sand was burning my feet more than the beeting sun. Once the shoes ae off, I tie the fabrick onto them to make some makeshift shoes.

Sooo much better.
I stand up, dstermined to survive this desert and make it back home to... where ever it is I come from.

"Im coming" I whisper with determination.

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