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{ Loki }

I open my eyes to see thor staring at me from outside the cell.

"Odin's beard, Thor! Must you stare at me while I sleep?" I mutter slightly startled.

"Oh, sorry brother, I wished to speak with you and there was nothing else to do except watch you," he stops for a moment then adds in a joking tone, "unless of course I wanted to make small talk with the other prisoners."

"Well why not Thor? You aren't exactly shy." I reply laughing.

He made me laugh. I haven't laughed much since I sent layana away, and yet here I am. Laughing.

"True" he says, now laughing himself.

We laugh for a few minutes then the tone goes back to serious.

"So what did you wish to speak with me about?" I ask, curiosity eating away at me.

"I went to Heimdal for you, as you are clearly unable." He says, gesturing the cell.

My heart pace quickens at those words. Did something happen to her? Is she okay? Is that why he's talking to me?

I want to ask all of those questions, but instead, I simply say, "go on"

Thor looks at me with care, then takes a deep breath.

"She is doing well. Quite well actually," he pauses to see my reaction, when he sees I don't have one just yet, he continues, "she seems to be remembering things, though we can't look inside her head to check on that."

At the word 'remembering' I feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders. My darling daughter is remembering. I can see her soon.

Thor is quick to remind me, "we think she's remembering."

All of the sudden, a question forms in my mind.

"Why are you telling me this if you dont know for sure?" I ask, impatience taking over.

I watch as he thinks his answer over before giving it to me.

"I thought you would want to hear the good news. The news that she is most likely remembering important details" he says calmly.

"Im sorry," I say, "You're right, it's great news. Thank you for telling me."

He smiles and I smile back.

"She'll be back soon" he reasures me.

I believe him. Its hope and hope is what I need. So I believe.

"I know," I say, "just make sure to come get me the second the word 'heimdal' even begins to escape her mouth. "

He laughs, shaking his head slowly.

"I will, brother" he says, then begins to turn around.

I feel my heart begin to sink. Thor may not be my favorite person to talk to, but, it gets rather lonely down here.

He stops for a minute.

"dont worry, I'll come back" he says, as if he read my mind.


I watch him walk away, his cape swaying gracefully behind him then turn to face the wall of my cell.

I smiled as I repeated his words over and over.

She seems to be remembering.

She is remembering.

Lost (A Loki's Daughter Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now