Chapter 5

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It was the next day. Brian got up and looked at his alarm that read 3:00pm.

Brian got out of bed went to the bathroom and went downstairs. He saw Rebecca dressed up getting ready for work. She was a co-worker at a big agency. His father was owner of the biggest oil company and was in charge of making weapons for the army and for a personal business that was kept on the down low. Rebecca was the only one in the family who didn’t know about the family having the blood of being a wolf in their veins. Brian knew his father secretly had a mission to do about a battle only people of his kind knew about.

“Honey I’m going to work and your father is already at the airport going to a meeting so you and Carlos just stay out of trouble and I’ll see you later” said Rebecca putting her cell phone in her purse.

“When’s he coming back?” asked Brian

“He’ll be back in 2 days or a week” said Rebecca “Oh and I’m bringing home Chinese for dinner love you”

Brian stood and watched Rebecca run out the door. Brian then went to the kitchen and made himself some lunch. The house phone rang. Brian waited for someone to go and answer but no one did. He walked over and picked up the phone.

“Yeah?” said Brian answering the phone with no care.

“Hey this is Brian right?”

“Yeah so” said Brian recognizing Vanessa’s voice.

“Hey this is Vanessa”

“Ok what do you want?” said

Brian starting to get irritated.

“I was wondering if you can take me to the party Friday…have some fun with just the two of us and do something after the party. Not just to make the girls jealous, but to get to know each other even more than imagined” said Vanessa in a slow way sounding like she was attractive.

“No I already got a date so, don’t worry it” with that Brian hung up and took his juice to the living room and watched TV.

“Hey Brian want to come with me and my boys to the mall?” asked Carlos drinking from a water bottle

“Sure when we leaving?” asked Brian

“Um…about around four” said Carlos scratching his head.

“Alright then” said Brian.

Brian got up and when upstairs to take a shower. He went back to his room and put on an outfit making him look attractive.

Brian spiked his hair and put his chain on and a pair of white and black vans. When Brian was ready he sprayed some clone on and went downstairs to meet his brother. Carlos was looking at the mirror to see if he had nothing on his face and headed out the door to the car.

Lillian showed up at the mall to meet her friends by the center of the mall where the waterfall was. Lillian was wearing a fitted red hooded t-shirt with dark blue skinny jeans and boots. When Lillian finally saw her friends at the center waterfall she went walking over and saw Carla wearing a cute flower dress and stopped to look at Vanessa. Vanessa was wearing a short blue tube top that showed her stomach with black pants and high boots. She looked revealing enough for guys to look at her but Lillian got annoyed of how she was acting.

“Hey guys what’s up” said Lillian approaching her friends

“Hey Lilly what’s been up with you lately you were suppose to call me last night” said Carla

“I’m sorry Anthony visited me and things got out of control” said Lillian

“Wow you sound like a slut” said Vanessa checking herself in the mirror.

“Vanessa it takes a slut to even look like one” said Carla getting annoyed of her also.

“You know what let’s just get our shopping over with ok?” said Vanessa closing her mirror putting it in her bag

Lillian and her friends started walking to the stores and looking around to find something good to wear at the party on Friday. Lillian and her friends walked in a store and looked around for an outfit.


Carlos and Brian were walking through the mall. Brian saw his friends and left Carlos with his friends to go hang with them.

“Hey what’s up man?” said Brian’s friend Matt.

“Nothing just trying to figure out about the tracks and scents that have been coming near here” said Brian “I just hope we can find out what it is or whom…”

“Hmm…we’ll talk about it later and do some more hunting” said Brian

Brian and his friends started walking and saw Lillian and her friends shopping in a store. He and his friends walked in the store to look around.

“Hey Lillian” said Brian walking up to Lillian while she was looking at a shirt.

“Hey Brian…what are you doing here?” asked Lillian

“”It’s a mall…anyone can come to it” said Brian with smile on his face.

“Well alright then” said Lillian with a little giggle.

“What are you doing here?” asked Brian

“I’m trying to find something to wear for your Friday night party” answered Lillian

When Brian was talking to Lillian, he saw Anthony was in the back of the store looking at him in an intimidating way. Vanessa saw Carla talking to Matt and Lillian talking to Brian. Vanessa didn’t care about who Carla was talking to but hated the fact Lillian was talking to Brian. At this time she knew that Lillian was Brian’s date to his party.

Brian noticed Anthony kept starring at him and it made him be ticked off. Anthony was a wolf also, but they were enemies. They knew they couldn’t fight in front of the humans and only around their kind.

“Yea I understand what you mean by that…look I’ll talk to you later” said Brian looking at Lillian and then Anthony and walked away with his friends out of the store.

Carla ran over to Lillian “Dude Matt asked me to go to the party with him on Friday!”

“No way I’m happy for you” said Lillian with a big smile on her face.

“Yea he’s going to pick me up in his car” said Carla

“Dude you two disgust me…they only want to take you because they want someone to screw and you two are easy” said Vanessa walking over and hearing what just happened.

“Vanessa shut up and get over your anger and go find a date. Stop being mad because we got invited somewhere. Get over it!” after Carla telling off Vanessa, she grabbed Lillian’s arm and walked out the store leaving Vanessa standing there shocked.

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