Chapter 15

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       Brian and his pack ran until they stopped at a mansion and smelled more of Lillian and Cray’s scent. Brian and his pack entered the Mansion sneaking in the back door.

“Alright everyone split up and find Lillian and be careful” said Brian in a low voice.

Brian and his pack split up silently and searched the mansion for Lillian.

“You know I don’t understand how you don’t know about your powers…you already ruined my arm by biting me. You’re lucky you didn’t ruin my face” said Cray

“I don’t know what powers I have so let me go!” said Lillian standing up.

The doors swung open with one of Cray’s pack members Atton “Cray were being attacked! The Kyarketal wolves are in the house!”

       Cray looked at Lillian fast and ran out the doors letting it close behind him locking them. Lillian stood there and heard nothing but silence. She ran over to the door to open it. The diir wouldn't budge, so she went over to where she saw the fireplace poker and tried to hit it against the door.

     No luck came. Lillian suddenly thought about escaping and thought about her birth mom and ran her hand over the door. The doors slammed open with a big force. Lillian was amazed and ran out the room letting the doors slam behind her. She heard the roaring and the growling. Lillian ran to the sound and saw a big room where two of the wolves’ packs were fighting each other.

      Lillian couldn’t tell which was which so she ran in, hiding behind a giant stone statue. She watched the battle trying to figure out what to do. Lillian suddenly saw a big wolf stand in front of her. She wanted to scream but knew it was Brian by looking at his light gray eyes.

“Brian…what do I do?” asked Lillian trying not to feel scared.

     Brian moved his head showing her to the door sensing her to run out the house while there was distraction. Lillian ran out the door and ran all the way to the front door and ran outside and hid where she wouldn’t be found.

An hour later, Brian and his pack of wolves ran out the house and returned to human form.

“Lilly you ok?” asked Brian looking at her, checking for injuries.

“Y-Yeah I’m fine…I’m not hurt” said Lillian.

“Alright we should get going…they don’t know our sent so we should take off before they take one” said Vindel.

“Lillian...I need you to come with me while the others run away” said Brian.

Lillian followed Brian until they came to a car. Brian unlocked the car, and got in with Lillian and drove off.

“How’d you get this car?” asked Lillian.

“I stole it from one Cray’s friends…they won’t need it for the moment” said Brian focusing on driving on the road driving up to 60 mph.

“Alright the first thing were going to do is go to my place. You’re staying with me for a while” said Brian

“Wait but what about my stuff?” asked Lillian

“We have some clothes at the house that you can wear. We need you to take a shower and spray perfume on you to cover your scent” continued Brian.

      An hour later, Brian was back at his house. Brian and Lillian got out the car and rushed in the house closing and locking the door. Brian went to the front bathroom and found some perfume and sprayed some on Lillian until he picked up no scent of her.

“Ok follow me” said Brian grabbing Lillian’s hand and guiding her upstairs.

      Lillian held on to Brian’s hand and followed him through the house upstairs. After going up the stairs and turning left and right in the halls, they finally stopped at a bedroom door. Brian let go of Lillian’s hand and took out a key and unlocked it.

Brian led Lillian in and closed the door behind him. Lillian was awed by the room.

“This is the guest room you can stay in. The bathroom is to your left and they’re clothes in the big wardrobe over there and the bed is here and you can sleep and lay on it whenever you want or feel like it” said Brian in a serious way pointing out objects.

“Thank you Brian…you didn’t have to do this” said Lillian.

“Lillian…I don’t want anyone to hurt you or harm you…you’re my responsibility now” said Brian.

Lillian looked at Brian in the eyes and could tell he was serious. She did a nod to tell him ok.

“I’m going to get rid of the car. I want you to take a shower and get cleaned up” said Brian and then walked out the room closing the door behind him.

      Lillian walked around the room and was amazed of how it was. She went to the bathroom and loved how it looked. The bathroom was nicer and elegant than any other bathroom in a regular home. Lillian turned on the shower putting it on hot and took her clothes off getting in the shower. She washed her body and then washed her hair. She looked to the side and saw there was an unused toothbrush and tooth paste. Lillian brushed her teeth and washed herself again with soap.

When Lillian was done taking a shower, she went back into the room and looked through the wardrobe. She found some elegant underwear and put them on and put on a tank top and pajama pants.

Lillian dried her hair and hung up the towel in the bathroom. She turned, about to lay down, until she  saw some lotion. She put some on her arms and hands having them smelling like roses all over her body.

There was a knock on the door. Brian came in dressed in his pjs wearing a tight shirt with pajamas pants.

“Are you settled down?” asked Brian coming in closing the door. He tried controlling himself as he  smelled Lillian with a rose scent, that seemed to turn him on.

“Yeah…I guess I am” said Lillian wearing a smile. “And thank you Brian so much for looking after me…I always thought that my life was just whatever”

“Now it’s not…you’ve been a special girl Lillian…you just never realized it” said Brian walking over to the window to close the blinds and undue the curtains.

Lillian smiled doing a blush. Brian got closer to Lillian and admiring her beauty. He couldn’t help himself and caressed her neck and kissed her softly on the lips. Lillian couldn’t help but kiss him back. She felt stars and felt like she was experiencing bliss, or some kind of emotion. He was hers and she was his and nobody or nothing could change that.

    Brian pulled away gently and stared in Lillian’s eyes. He thought that she was the most beautiful girl he’s set eyes on. Brian kissed her again cupping her face and moving his hands to her shoulders.

      Lillian wanted more of him and couldn’t resist. Brian read her mind knowing she felt the same he did. Brian picked up Lillian and laid her on the bed still kissing her. He took off his shirt showing his muscles. Lillian felt his muscles and how big they were and loved everything about him, no matter what flaws there were.

    Brian and Lillian made love through out the night. Two hours later, Brian and Lillian fell asleep under the covers through the rest of the night.

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