Chapter 17

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About three hours later the plane landed. Brian and Lillian got off the plane, along with his friends. When they went down the escalator, they saw a sign with Brian’s last name. Lillian followed the boys to where the man in the tuxedo was standing. Lillian got in the car and sat in the corner still feeling tired like she wanted to go to sleep.

After riding in the limo for 2 1/2 hours, they stopped in front of a gate. Lillian woke up and looked out the window. The place looked beautiful. There was a beach to the left, showing the sun setting. The limo drove through taking them through the woods. When they got closer Lillian saw a big garden and maze with a water fountain. Lillian got out of the car and was in complete awe of how the place looked. The Mansion was about four stories and noticed the drive through was a circle with another big water fountain in the center. Brian and his friends got out of the car and stood amazed at the place. The last time they been here, was when they were making a meeting with the other wolves.

        A maid came outside and greeted them leading them in to the house. Lillian felt shivers and memories of her being there when she was a baby. She missed it here and wished she never left in the first place. The maid showed everyone their rooms and had the other maids put their stuff in their rooms. Lillian got to her room and was told it was hers long ago. The place didn’t look shabby; it just looked like more of a master bedroom. Lucky it was fixed up. The place was gold and white and had a king size bed and furniture to match it, with a vanity mirror, and a closet across from the bed.

Lillian saw memories of her playing on the floor with a toy and her mom looking beautiful like she was actually there, starred down at her smiling. Lillian wanted to cry. She missed her mom and was sad she never got to meet her. She wanted to hate her father, but couldn’t since she doesn’t know what goes on. Lillian heard the door open and turned around seeing Brian standing there. Lillian didn’t say anything and figured he would read her mind anyway.

“Dinner is almost ready…You should start coming down the stairs” said Brian looking at her softly and then closing the door.

      Lillian wiped a little tear and freshened up and went down the stairs to the dining room. The room was set up beautifully with well designed plates and silverware. Lillian sat down in a chair and poured herself some water and drank from it. She saw everyone start coming in the room and sitting down not saying a word.

The food arrived 2 minutes later. Everyone started eating their dinner talking to each other. Lillian sat there quietly deciding not to say anything. Lillian didn’t feel hungry and left the table without anybody noticing. When Lillian left the table, Brian and his pack started discussing about where to go for war training.

Lillian went to explore the house and stop at the library on the fourth floor. She went in and saw it was in a neat order and seemed big. She walked around and saw a big desk cluttered with books and paper. Lillian felt a strong presence and looked over at a book shelf that was in a corner with cluttered items. She rummaged through the items until she found a brown box. She picked it up and went over to a white couch and sat down putting the box on the coffee table in front of her.

Lillian opened the box and saw envelopes and other items that may have been old and valuable. Lillian picked up one envelope and read it;

Dear Trellises,

It’s been hard up here trying to rule. My father hasn’t been doing well but I am helping him with figuring out how to rule. He says I will be the next heir. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to meet you in time for the baby to arrive. When I take my place to the thrown I will make sure we have a better life. I will take care of our little girl and have the lands in a good life like my father has done. Love James.

Lillian starred in confusion figuring out that her father seemed to be a nice man. She wondered why he seemed to be cruel now at this time. She picked up another envelope out of the box and read it;

Dear Trellises,

Everything has been going well over here. My father has been getting more ill. We think he just might be in the position to not being able to carry on. It’s a possibility that I may become the next ruler. But it’s only if the king can’t carry on. I will see you soon. Love James.

* 5 letters later *

Dear Trellises,

We are sorry to inform you that your father-in-law has passed on. You may think everyone is ok, but things have come to being in a bad future for the people. James has killed your father, a night before he was due to pass. Your Uncle has tried to stop him when he tried abusing his power over people. Because of the power your uncle had, James has killed him. James was threatened by the power of your uncle, his father, and his mother. We think it's best for you to run away... with your daughter to protect her. She might be our only hope when it hits the future. He may come after you to crave for your powers. Good Luck. Sincerely, Grant Alums

Lillian felt shocked and devastated that her father turned on his family and on his father. He betrayed her mother and betrayed her.

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