Chapter 25

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  James walked down the stairs to Lillian still starring at her. He went over to Lillian and hugged her tightly. “I’m so happy you’re alright”

“Why? You want to make sure you kill me for yourself?” said Lillian not wanting to hug her father.

“Lilly I would never hurt you. The people want to. They want your powers and mine so they can rule over” spoke James

“James you’re scared because your powers are going to be taken away and you afraid you’ll be nothing” said Lillian

“Lilly I loved your mother very much”

“Did you love her enough to kill her and try killing me too?” said Lillian shooting back and attitude.

“Your mother tried to kill and hurt me! She betrayed me!”

“You betrayed her! You were selfish dad and you didn’t care about anyone but yourself”

“That is not true I am a good king”

“Oh so you’re good enough to make everyone’s life miserable and act like you’re the only one special!”

“Shut up! You will never speak to your father in that tone ever again!” said James looking at her starting to become angrier.

“Sorry James but I can’t call someone a father if they kill and betray his family and his people. And I’m still a person so I choose to speak however I want to” said Lillian not backing down from her father’s orders.

James stood there and felt the urge to slap her but decided not to. He called in the guards and told them to take Lillian back to the jail until he calmed down.

“Guards! Take my daughter back to her room until she’s ready to speak to me like a king is to be spoken to. Get her out of my sight. Now!” spoke James looking at Lillian and then away from her.

“Brian come on I found an entrance” said Leon.

Brian and his pack followed and started crawling in a tunnel for 10 minutes, the pack reached the end and opened the door and found themselves somewhere in the palace.

“Ok everyone should split up and try looking for the other pack members and help them in the palace” said Brian

“Alright so-

“You guys need to be quieter. Jaspen hears sounds quickly and the guards do also”

The guys turned around and saw Tija. The guys looked confused and nodded. The guys split up to what they were told and planned to do. Tija looked at Brian and signaled to follow him. Brian followed Tija quietly.

“Brian you see those guards over guarding the door? We need to get passed them to get to the jail holders” said Tija

“Alright got it” said Brian nodding.

Brian transformed into his wolf. He and Tija charged at the guards attacking them in 2 strikes. They went through the doors to another door and quietly extended down the steps.

“No one seems to be down here” said Brian after transforming into his normal self.

“Lillian’s down here…I can smell her” said Tija looking around

“That’s impossible she’s wearing different perfume that’s impossible to trace” said Brian

“I don’t need any other scent to sniff out my sister” said Tija looking at Brian. “Besides I’m not mad at you because she ran away but upset because you failed your duty to protect her”

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