Chapter 13

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  When Lillian showed up to Brian’s house then she saw it was huge like a mansion. There were teens on the lawn and the house had loud music playing inside.

“Do your parents allow you to have parties like this?” asked Lillian

“My dad says it’s ok as long as there in the party room and not upstairs in the bedrooms or on the other side of the house” answered Brian pulling in the driveway and into the garage letting it close behind him.

Lillian got out of the car and closed and followed Brian and was led into the house, down the hall, and to the dance room.
        Lillian was amazed how big and cool the part of the house looked. When everyone saw Brian and Lillian enter the room everyone looked at them. Most of the girls stared with anger in their eyes when she was held by Brian’s hand on her waist.

       Lillian stood by the wall and watched everyone dance and enjoy the music. Brian came back with a beer in one hand and soda in the other. Brian gave Lillian a soda and took her by the hand and sat on an empty couch having her sit next to him. She smiled and could tell why girls liked him so much. He may be quiet, and also a strict and mysterious personality, but he was a gentleman aside from good looks.

Lillian and Brian sat there enjoying the music until they saw Carla and Matt approach them.

“Hey Lilly!” said Carla with a smile on her face running up to Lillian giving her a hug.

“Hey Carla” said Lillian happily

“Enjoying the party so far?” asked Carla

“Yeah it’s actually awesome” said Lillian

Carla and Lillian talked for about 20 minutes until Carla and Matt went to go dance on the floor.

“You have a bathroom?” asked Lillian kindly in Brian’s ear.

“Yeah” answered Brian

       Brian got up and took Lillian by her hand and led her to the bathroom. Brian stopped and heard footsteps coming closer to the house from the woods. Lillian went to the bathroom. She freshened up and checked her face and hair. Lillian went back to the party and saw more people arrive in the house who probably didn’t go to her school. Lillian couldn’t find Brian so she just stood on the wall hoping he showed up.

“Well, Well, Well…look who showed up” said Vanessa approaching Lillian with Shay and Tracy. Vanessa wore the red dress that she took from Lillian. The dress was short to where it was to rise up to her thighs. The dress made her figure come out and have the top make her boobs pop out. With the dress she wore black pumps and black earrings with black jewelry and her makeup was flawless.

“Oh hey Vanessa…thanks for taking my dress, you look sluttier than ever” said Lillian intimidated. The dress really did look good on her. She was pissed on the fact she went through her stuff to take a dress. What was wrong with the blue one she got, it was the same style, minus the design around the bust.

“Don’t be mad because it looks better on me” said Vanessa and having the twins laugh behind her.

“Vanessa will you go away I don’t need to deal with you right now” said Lillian getting annoyed.

“Don’t be mad because I look hot enough for Brian to look at me and the rest of the guys want me and not you” said Vanessa wearing a smile. “Enjoy the party”

Lillian got upset because of what Vanessa said and just ignored it and enjoyed the party.

“You seem like you’re lost” said a man who looked like he was 5 foot tall and seemed to be 22.

“No just waiting for someone” said Lillian.

      Lillian looked at the man and saw a vision she had in her dream and recognized his face and that he was one of Cray’s friends. Lillian turned around and quickly walked away to get away from him. When Lillian just stood there she felt a strong hand grab on her arm and pull on her.

Lillian was pulled out of the crowd and was in the arm of an unfamiliar man that had blond hair and golden eyes.

“It’s a shame for a princess to come to uncontrollable parties like this” said the man.

Lillian tried releasing herself and couldn’t. When she saw that he had no expression to harming her, she calmed down. The man led Lillian out of the crowd through the house door to go outside.

Lillian was released and heard the man tell her to run. She looked back and saw men in black collared shirts following her. Lillian wished she could find Brian but the house was too crowded it was impossible. She ran outside and hid behind a tree. She didn’t want to have to go home because she wanted to stay and party and not want to miss anything or disappoint Brian. But on this night she felt danger has come to her already.

Lillian heard a growl and looked across the street and saw the men who followed her run into the forest. Lillian turned around and ran into Brian.

“Lilly what are you doing out here? Are you ok?” asked Brian.

“Someone is following is me…like a group of guys” said Lillian.

Brian looked at her confused and then knew who she was talking about.

“They were wearing black collared shirts and they ran into the woods across the street" said Lillian. He watched her look around. She hoped they didn't come back, and finish whatever task they had planned.

“It’s fine. They're just my pack…they didn’t mean to scare you, they saw someone following you. They smelled them in the house and tried to protect you, by warning off the men.
  "They told me that another pack was almost here. They ran through the woods to go chase them off” said Brian.

“Yeah but a guy with blond hair told me to run from the guys” said Lillian.

Brian knew who she was talking about but told her not to worry about it and took back in the house to dance.

    Lillian and Brian danced to a song catching on to the beat. Lillian and Brian grinded on each other making other people around them look and stare in envy. Brian loved the way Lillian dance. He wanted Lillian badly now but decided to just have fun and let everything go.         Lillian felt like her and Brian were the only couples on the floor. She felt safe and protected the more she felt he was around and no other girl, or person can take him away from her. Lillian had fun for the rest of the night.

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