Intro 1: District 1: Germany & Nyo! Italy

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Germany's POV

I waited in our large Capitol house, avoiding all the riots from other districts as I locked myself in a room as many people were rioting and protesting. I looked out my window to see they were holding signs like Let Me See My Family or This is Unfair. Of course, even people in the Capitol had their families pulled apart since the great divide. I gulped as I looked at a little family photo.

It was just me and Germania, or, President Germania. It was me as a kid and a familiar albino that looked older than me. His name was Prussia or Gilbert. He was moved to another district since the Divide. I sighed and remained calm and stern in my room as I stood up and walked out of my room and waited for the meeting to end.

The two Capitol leaders were Rome and Germania. Germania was my grandfather. They were conversing with the other district leaders who seemed to have none. "Hey! Louis!" I heard someone in an Italian accent call out my name. I quickly blushed and looked down at the floor. "Zh-Zhat's not my name, it's Ludvig," I said in my thick German accent.

I've had a crush on her ever since...

"I overheard the-a meeting! There's going to be this-a game! But, it's not-a good game," Italia said and sat down on the chair next to me as she frowned. I raised one eyebrow. "Vhat kind of game is it?" I asked. Italia had suddenly giggled. "It's-a funny when you speak in your-a accent," Italia said. I shrugged. "You can never stay focused. Can you?" I asked. Italia nodded as Rome stepped out of the meeting place and Italia stood up.

"Well, it was a nice-a chat. Ciao-a Ludwig! Oooh! I got the-a name right!" Italia exclaimed and had suddenly hugged me. My eyes widened as I patted her back with a slight blush on my cheeks. She released me as I waved at her as she walked away in the long hallways of the meeting place Germania held. He stepped out of the meeting place, looking like he had just seen something terrible.

"President Germania-" "Your my grandson, Ludvig. No need to address me zhat vay," Germania said. I looked at him and shrugged. "G-Germania, vell, how vas it? Did you solve zhe rioting?" I asked. Germania shook his head. "Agh that Rome gives me a headache. He never focuses on zhe subject. But ve did manage to get a solution," Germania said. I nodded as I suddenly thought of Italia. "Vhat vas it?" I asked. Germania cleared his throat and started to talk.

"Ve made up a game. Called Zhe Hunger Games. Two people from each district vill send vone voman and vone man from zhe ages of 12-18 two participate. Instead of a var, ve used zhis vay. It vill at least kill 21 people. Zhat's it."

I nodded as I walked outside and took a simple stroll in the park and saw how this District looked like such a luxury. I felt bad for Prussia, he didn't get to stay in such an amazing place. While amazing the wonderful sight, I had bumped into someone.

"Bonjourino!" Italia exclaimed. I smiled and waved at her and put my hands in my pockets awkwardly. I noticed that she had a bandage on her arm. "Vhat happened to your arm?" I asked curiously. She shrugged. "It was the-a game I was-a talking about! Each-a person has to get their-a blood sampled for a raffle!" Italia exclaimed happily. I realized that I was 18 but it was no worries.

I was a bit worried about Italia. What she mean about raffle was that they take your blood and put your name on a card and put it in a basket. People must participate since it's mandatory. But if a sweet girl like Italia was there then her chances are rare for her to survive. I gulped as I walked forward.

I went up to the station and put my arm there. They pierced my arm as I was used to it and they wrote my name down on a card and put it down. They put a bandaid around where they pierced me as I walked back to Italia. "I don't-a know what this-a game is about but I hope I-a win!" Italia exclaimed. I nodded. "I hope you do," I said in my German accent.

There were megaphones set all around the are and we had to go to a place which was usually used for theater arts and many other fine arts stuff. Now it was a place to call people up to their doom. I saw as there was a familiar Spaniard there with a weird look on his face. Almost like a look of fear.

I noticed that he was wielding an axe as he spoke to the crowd through a microphone. "This is our first Hunger Games. I will be their trainer since I had the most experience in fighting combat. Now, we have to start with the ladies since, it's a Capitol rule," Spain said on the microphone and picked a small card out of the bowl.

"Fratello Antonio!" Italia exclaimed. Spain glanced at her and took out the card and read it. Now his full attention was on Italia.

"Feliciana Vargas."

Italia's eyes widened as she slowly stepped up next to where Spain was. I grit my teeth and prevented myself from crying. I knew Italia for a long time. It's not fair... I watched as Spain picked from the next bowl without looking. I grit my teeth. I hoped it was someone strong to protect Italia until she's the only one left and then the person would get killed by venom or suicide.

"Ludwig Beilschmidt."

My eyes widened as I stepped up next to Italia and gulped. I clenched my other fist while I held her hand and lifted it up in the air.

I'm going to live in the games, live to only protect Italia...

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