Intro 8: District 8: France & Seychelles

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*warning: very short chapter*
Seychelles' POV

I was sewing a blue dress at home. I tried my best to stay cheerful no matter what. But all my siblings were gone. I only had at least one of my friends. And it was France. I mean, it's not a bad thing. I still have one of my friends. But I tried not to think about it as I continued sewing my blue dress.

"There! Done!" I exclaimed and looked at the finishing piece. I put it on a hanger and put it in my closet as I fixed my hair into two ribbons as I was wearing another blue dress. I wore dimpled red shoes and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Bonjour," I heard a familiar French man say behind my back. I yelped and looked at France behind me as there was a woman with a sword behind him. "Francis! Jeez, Jeanne your right, he is a creep sometimes," I said and crossed my arms. Jeanne laughed and put her sword back into the handle.

"Sometimes. Others he's actually really sweet," Jeanne said and smiled kindly at France. He kissed the top of her head. I cooed. "Awe you two are so adorable together!" I exclaimed. France chuckled. "Ohohohon." Jeanne sighed and walked away without France. "I have to do something for the district leaders. They said they wanted me to teach two teens how to fight. They said people possibly my age," Jeanne said.

"Bye, Jeanne!" I exclaimed happily. France blew a kiss at her. Jeanne caught it and walked away. "Sorry, Francis. I would hug you but I have ice-cold armor on me know," Jeanne said and left the house. France looked at me and had fixed my hair a little. "Jeanne looked beautiful today," France said. I nodded in agreement. "She's pretty! No wonder you guys are dating, your the perfect match!" I exclaimed to France.

He frowned as if remembering something. "She almost died during the Divide. She almost got trampled on and had a knife to the arm," France said. I gasped. "That's horrible! What district did she come from?" I asked.

"12," France said.

My eyes widened. "The district that started the Divide?" I asked France. He nodded and looked out the window with his hands in his pockets. "I just...saw her. She was lying on the ground looking badly bruised and badly injured with a knife stuck to her arm. I had to help her so I would have brought her to district 11, the nearest district. But they were suffering too much front the divide. I brought her to 8," France said. I nodded understanding the situation.

"We should get going. The reaping's today," I told France. He nodded as we both stepped out of the house and walked on the sidewalk. I couldn't help but think that this man came from 7. He looks so much like he was born in District 8. He got used to the textiles quickly, not just that but our district leaders love him. I wonder what they chose Jeanne for.

We made it to the reaping as the woman behind the desk wrote our names and took our blood samples. We were in the crowd of people in our age group. The same or younger. I saw Jeanne in the front of all of us with a microphone in her hand. She looked the same from when she was in my house. Armor on and her sword was out, almost looking like it was for showing off. The district loved her as well, she thought that she had a fiery spirit and great skill.

"Hello and I will be the trainer for the people chosen to fight in these games. As they say, ladies first," Jeanne said and picked out of what looked like a raffle bowl. I didn't want to be picked as much as I could but I couldn't do anything about that. So I just let my fate be.

I heard my name be picked.

My eyes widened as I stepped next to Jeanne. She mouthed 'sorry' to me. I mouthed back 'it's okay' to her. She soon picked out of the next raffle bowl which was for the men.

It just happened to be France.

He stood up on the podium and blew kisses everywhere. Jeanne crossed her arms and yanked him by the hair. The men laughed as France and I joined hands and lifted them up in the air.

"Please welcome, the Tributes of District 8!"

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