Chapter 8: Night 1

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Canada's POV

It was France.

My eyes widened in terror as I heard the cannon from a distance. I gulped and cried, leaning on top of his lifeless body. "P-Papa Francis..," I said and cried my eyes out. I looked at him as if he was sleeping peacefully. But he was dead. And.... I killed him.

"I-I'm... I'm sorry..," I said with tears flowing out of my eyes like fresh rain from a cloud. My cheeks wet and red with my eyes red and puffy. I still couldn't believe that I killed him. I killed my own older brother.

"M-Madeline! What happened?" England asked me. Sealand screamed at the sight of the beat-up brother. "You monster! You killed him!" Sealand yelled at me and grabbed his spear and went ramming towards me. I yelled and shielded myself with my baseball bat. But he didn't hit me.

Instead, England held him back. "Don't hit her! Bloody hell she's your sister and ally!" England yelled at him. "But she killed him!" Sealand argued back. My eyes widened as I bit my lip and put my glasses down as well as the baseball bat with nails I was holding.

"Arthur. Hand me your axe," I said.

"What are you going to do? Get firewood? Fire would really be useful since it's almost night," Arthur asked and handed me his silver axe that he obtained from the cornucopia. I glanced at both Sealand as he calmed down as Arthur nodded.

I held the axe up to my neck. Arthur's smile soon disappeared as if it never existed. Sealand's eyes widened. "No! That's not what I wanted! I didn't want you to die I just wanted to warn you! Don't die big sis!" Sealand exclaimed as tears formed in his eyes.

I smiled at them and put it closer to my neck, the blade touching my skin. Arthur's eyes widened as he covered Sealand's eyes. "I'm going to miss you guys," I said. "Madeline why are you doing this?" Arthur asked me. I just returned a shy smile.


I sliced my neck with the axe as I felt a sharp pain. everything was black as I felt a warm liquid douse on me. My blood. For sure, I lost. There's no way I can have another chance. I killed myself. I'll see France. I'll see Wy. I'll see them...

Arthur's POV

"Madeline!" I shouted. I felt Sealand's tears as I covered his eyes. "Sh-She's...dead...?" Sealand asked in an innocent voice. Tears fell out my eyes as I looked at the decapitated body laying on the grass. I shuddered in horror at the gore and the puddle of blood spilling out of the neck.

"She's dead you bloody git! She killed her bloody self!" I yelled, realizing that I said bloody twice. Sealand might have thought I was describing what she looked like. Sealand managed to peek at Madeline's body and screamed at the horror of what he saw.

There was no point in covering his eyes when he already saw it. Sealand hugged his knees and leaned against a tree looking like he had some sort of syndrome. I looked at Madeline's body in utter horror. She's gone now, and she wanted to be gone, like she didn't even want to survive these games.

I remembered when we were all in the forests of 7. We would play tag with France, America, Canada, and Sealand. America would scare his little sister and I would scare him as payback. He would end up apologizing to his sister.

"Hello? Francis? I heard the cannon fire are you okay?" I heard France's teammate call out his name. Seychelles. My eyes widened as I walked up to her. "Oh, hey Arthur! Do you know where Francis is?" Seychelles asked. I bit my lip and pointed to one of the two corpses on the ground.

Seychelles fell to her knees and knelt next to the blonde boy laying down on the floor. Her hands on over her mouth in shock. "F-Francis.. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner," Seychelles said looking down at him. At the verge of tears but didn't cry.

I stood behind her and put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry about your loss. It's my loss, too," I said and looked down at the corpse with her. She looked up at me and stood up, putting out a hand.

"I forgot to ask you this earlier. But I was wondering if you wanted to become allies," Seychelles told me. My eyes widened as Sealand hid behind me, nodding in agreement. He wanted to be allies with this girl.

Also, she wasn't bad looking

I firmly shook hands with her and smiled. "Allies it is," I told her as the both of us smiled. I gulped and got out the axe and started to chop off tree branches for firewood. "We should set up a camp then," I said as Seychelles reached for something in her back, finding a lighter.

Sealand's pack and camping materials. I realized that I had a canteen of water and a few pieces of bread. I placed the firewood to the floor as Seychelles lit the fire and helped Sealand set up the camp.

I hope we survive...

Italia's POV

"Aaaaaah! Luddy HELP!!!!" I yelled at Germany as a Capitol mutt was chasing me. I ran as fast as I could to the career camp that was already set up. Taiwan's eyes widened. "Feli duck," Taiwan said and got out a knife. I yelped and dropped down the the ground as I watched Taiwan's perfect aim hit the mutt as it fell to the ground.

"Vhat vere you doing out zhere in zhe first place?" Germany asked. I gulped. "I was-a checking if they refilled the-a cornucopia," I admitted. "The announcers wirr announce when the cornucopia is reprenished," Japan said and sat on top of the tree. "We're taking night watch. Japan's going first," Taiwan told me. I nodded and got into my sleeping bag. On second thought, I hated that idea.

"Hey, Luddy. Wanna cuddle?" I asked with a grin on my face. Taiwan bursted into laughter. Germany's eyes widened as there was a red blush on his face.

"Yeah sure vhy not," he said and sighed. "~Ve!" I exclaimed and got in his sleeping bag and slept soundly. I felt much more protected this way. Even if we have night watch.

Romano's POV

I stared at the blank fire as my fellow tribute was sleeping soundly in her sleeping bag. I sighed and looked around for anyone attacking. My weapon choice was an axe since I had a brother that would fight with an axe.

He's a trainer. I sighed and threw a stick in the fire as it kept me warm. "Hey, Lovino," I heard Belgium mutter. "What do you-a want?" I asked her. She just softly giggled and got up to sit next to me.

"How can I sleep in a freaking arena when anyone can kill me at any moment?" Belgium asked. I pointed to the pin she was wearing. "Just...don't-a die," I told her. Belgium sighed and rested her head against my shoulder. My eyes widened as a blush formed of my cheeks. I forced myself to drape my arms around her shoulders.

"I thought you said you couldn't-a sleep," I asked her. She nodded. "I sleep better when another person's close by," Belgium said and closed her eyes. I held her hand with my other hand and couldn't help but kiss her quickly.

"You taste like-a waffles," I said and looked out in the area constantly, keeping an eye on who would attack until it was time for Belgium's night watch.

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