Chapter 13: The Trick

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Liechtenstein's POV

I was mourning over their deaths when suddenly, everything was black...

"District 10: Lily Zwingli is waking up," I heard someone say. I fluttered my eyes open to see that there was a person in front of me. Actually, two, both of them were President Rome and President Germania.

"My my, you seemed to have made a hard choice," President Rome said. I gulped back my tears. "Congratulations on vinning zhe games. You may now see your family," President Germania said and shook my hand as well as President Rome.

I got off the hospital bed and entered in the waiting room. There was only one person here and one person only.

He was the trainer for district 5. I believe I knew who he was in the German family tree. Austria. Roderich Edelstein. He was my cousin and my only other family since the rest of them died in the games. President Germania was there, of course, as my grandfather.

"More of zhem are coming so don't vorry," Austria said. Suddenly I noticed that there were more hospital beds here. There were at least 22 if I counted correctly. One for each tribute that died in the games. I looked at Austria and President Germania as I ran up to them and gave them a tight hug.

When I released them, I soon noticed that there were even more people were in the sort of group hug. I saw Prussia, Germany, and Switzerland there, too.

"I-I thought you died..," I said as tears of joy were spilling out of my eyes. "Allow me to explain how zhe games vork. Ve tell you zhat your going to die so you can actually try. Vhen in reality, all of you are hooked up to a device vhere you have the illusion of being in a game vhere you die," Germania explained. I nodded, understanding.

I ran up to Switzerland specifically and hugged him right, burying my face in his chest and crying tears of joy. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry big brother..," I said. Switzerland sighed and patted my back. "You did good so don't worry," Switzerland said.

Italia's POV

"Luddy? Luddy where are-a you?" I asked walking around the hospital. Suddenly I felt someone cover my eyes as I screamed. "AAAH! LUDDY HEEEELP!!!" I exclaimed. I just heard him laugh. "But it's me," he said and opened my eyes as I was facing a familiar German man. My eyes widened as I bursted into tears of joy.

"I-a missed you and I thought I was-a dead!" I exclaimed and ran up to hug him. He hugged me back. "Don't zhink I didn't miss you because I really did," Germany said with a smile on his face.

Hungary's POV

I hopped out of my hospital bed and looked around the hospital. "Gil? Gil are you okay?" I asked and I bumped into a familiar albino. I yelped a little in surprise and ran up to hug him. He was somehow sobbing tears while hugging me.

"I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you... I'm sorry," he said and I just laughed. "That's okay, Gil. I'm alive, your alive, it's okay," I told him as we enjoyed this long hug we never got to have. He soon let me go and held my hand. I let him, since I didn't have my frying pan with me.

"I really like you, okay? I would have protected you with my life but I failed. Therefore I'm sorry," Prussia said. I giggled and kissed his cheek as he was blushing a light pink. "Don't think that I don't know that," I told him with a smile on my face.

Japan's POV

"M-Mei-Chan?" I called out and opened the curtains where I found Taiwan sitting on her hospital bed, with a smile on her face. I sighed in relief, glad to see that she was okay.

"I-I got ramen for you, Mei-Chan," I told her. She giggled as I handed her a bowl of ramen with chopsticks as I ate my bowl of ramen, sitting at her bedside. "I'm really glad that the both of us are alive, even if we didn't win," Taiwan said. I pecked her cheek and smiled.

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