Chapter 9: Revenge

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Philippines' POV

"Alfred! This is nonsense!" I exclaimed. He just chuckled and took out his pistol. "Come on it's okay we'll get through it," America said and hid behind a tree and cocked his gun. "While they're asleep we can raid their camp and get their items instead of waiting for the cornucopia to fill up," America said and took out his binoculars.

"But why the careers? Mei from district 2 scored a perfect 10 on her training score," I said. America grinned and showed me his pistol like he was ready to shoot. "That's why we kill her first," America said.

My eyes widened as I saw that his pistol was already ready to shoot. But I can never stop America when the plan's set in motion. I could see from a distance that Japan was humming on a tree, wide awake being night watch.

"Wait! Alf-" I couldn't stop him as he already shot his pistol at Taiwan while she was sleeping. Japan quickly mistook it for a cannon shot and looked at his teammates. He calmed down and hopped off of the tree and turned to weak up Taiwan.

"We have to go, Alfred. Kiku scored a 9," I said. America scoffed. "Mei-Chan, your night watch," Japan said and woke up Taiwan. Only to reveal that she had a bullet wound in her chest. "M...Mei-Chan..?" Japan asked as he started to cry.

"Alfred! We go! Now!" I exclaimed in a quiet tone. He shook his head. I couldn't help but leave him and hide in a tree. I silently cried as I thought of him dying. I knew that he was trying to go for the supplies but now he's going to die on a suicide mission that he decided to do. I gulped and cried.

Kuya... America...

Japan's POV

"Come out come out wherever you are!" I exclaimed in a sing-song voice as I wanted to avenge Taiwan. I loved her and now they just take her away... I held my katana blade and walked around the camp. I had a creepy grin on my face as tears were still in my eyes, but I didn't care. I will avenge her. No matter what.

I spotted an idiot trying to raid out camp. I grinned creepily and pinned him to the top of a tree. My eyes widened as tears appeared in my eyes. I glanced at Taiwan's body.

"This is for what you did...," I said in a cold and harsh tone. I threw him to the ground. Thank God he wasn't unconscious. So he can feel the pain I felt when I lost her. I jabbed him endlessly in the chest and stomach with my katana. I jabbed him endlessly in the stomach and chest, still smiling.

I soon saw his intestines spilling out. I covered my right eye with a grin on my face and looked at my hands all blood-covered. I started to laugh as I left the district 1 people sleeping together and laughed at them being pathetic.

I want to kill more, I want to win, I want to kill, their blood spilling out a crimson red, my hands stained in the color, everything... Everything seemed amazing...

England's POV

I was first night watch as I watched over Seychelles and Sealand as they were sleeping soundly. I hope that I have the chance to protect them both. All of a sudden, I saw a red crimson blur suddenly appear. But he was so fast I couldn't keep up to where the blur was going to be at.

I suddenly heard the cannon fire. I quickly got on the ground from where I was at and it quickly made Seychelles and up at an alarming rate. "Peter! Peter wake up!" I exclaimed and shook him. But when I turned him over, he was dripping in blood.

"PETER!!!" I exclaimed. Realizing that I only volunteered to protect him. I looked up and saw everyone's picture on there. Everyone died. All of my siblings died. I couldn't believe it. I picked up my axe leaning against the tree and waited for the exact moment to come.

This is for Sealand... This is for Sealand...

When the red blur had come closer to me, I swung my axe and decapitated his head. I soon saw it's face as I heard the cannon fire. Japan. My eyes widened as I had just killed a career. I looked over at Seychelles and reached my hand over to her.

"It's not safe here anymore. Did you get enough rest?" I asked her. "Y-Yeah I think so," she said and held my hand and got all her stuff. We all moved into another camping ground where we could be safe.

But, I had nothing to fight for if all my siblings are dead...

Hungary's POV

I couldn't help but wake up to the sound of the cannons. I could see Prussia struggling to sleep as he was wriggling in his sleep. "D-Dammit... Don't kill her..," he woke up panting. "Hey, Gilbert? Is it a nightmare?" I asked and handed him a canteen of water I got from the river. He took a sip and slowed his breathing.

"Sing to me," he said.

My eyes widened as I ran my fingers through his hair, trying to calm him down. "I don't sing," I said and smiled. Prussia insisted. I sighed and started to hum.

Even with humming, Prussia was pleased as he peacefully fell asleep. I kissed his forehead and sat next to him, keeping watch. I waited till the time was right for him to wake up for night watch. I sighed and looked around, biting my lip.

"Mei and Kiku were my best friends. I just, they were. We had little time in training but we bonded over so many things in so little time. And here they are. Dead," U said and hugged my knees.

If that happens to them, what are my chances of survival?

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