Chapter 2: Room Arragements

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Germany's POV

"Ve~ We get to-a sleep next to each-a other like the-a old times!" Italia exclaimed. I blushed red but soon knew what she meant. Back when we were kids, we had the same bedroom but not the same bed. Because they were still fixing the Capitol building. I fumbled with my fingers, stuck in my thoughts.

What if she's dead before I confess...?

I looked at Italia with a light blush on my cheeks. "L-Look... Feli... I-I like you and, vell, don't zhink I'm veird, please! How could somevone not like a vonderful person like you?" I asked. Italia's eyes widened. She opened her eyes.

"I always-a knew, Luddy! I was just waiting for you to-a confess and-a be a man! I like you-a too!"

Taiwan's POV

I was laying awake in my bed, I want to live. I want to live and see my family and that's all. Maybe if I do live, then the only family I'll be able to see would be Macau.

"Hey, Kiku?" I asked him and rolled on my bedside. He faced me and did the same. "I can't think of my famiry and sreep at the same time," Japan said. I nodded. "Same here."

Japan had suddenly stood up and kissed my forehead. My eyes widened as I blushed red. Japan smiled at me and returned to bed. "It arways herps me sreep." Finally, I closed my eyes.

Vietnam's POV

I was tossing and turning in my bed, barely able to sleep. In fact, I couldn't sleep at all. I glanced at Thailand who looked like he was sleeping peacefully. All of a sudden, he got up. Sleepwalking.

"Oh boy," I said and covered myself in my sheets. But suddenly I felt arms wrap around me. My eyes widened in a red blush as Thailand was cuddling me. I gulped as I saw his smile. I sighed and let him go for once.

Wy's POV

"Come on, Wy!" Sealand exclaimed. I shook my head. "Tomorrow we're training with Seborga. We can't stay up late and play with the settings!"  I exclaimed at Sealand. He pouted and covered himself under the sheets.

"Goodnight, Wy," he said and started to fake snore. I rolled my eyes as I crept under my bedsheets and slept on my bedside, facing Sealand.

"Goodnight, idiot."

Hungary's POV

I would have slept soundly if it weren't for Prussia. He was awake like I was, sitting on our bedside with socks on our feet. "Hey, Eliza," Prussia said and called my name. I looked up at him and shrugged.

"Is he really your boyfriend?" Prussia asked. I clenched my fists.

I wish he was...

"He used to, we broke up," I said and frowned. Suddenly Prussia was sitting next to me on my bedside, his hand overlapping mine. "That means I may have a chance," Prussia said. I had suddenly felt woozy and closed my eyes and felt my head land on his shoulder.

China's POV

The sheets were cold! It was actually surprisingly cold in the Capitol and their heater didn't work in my room. Russia seemed to have been used to it. Since he's used the the snow and cold and whatever. But I was really annoyed by the cold.

"Yun? Are you okay?" Russia asked and stood up. I shivered and shook my head. "N-No, aru," I said and hugged my knees. Russia has sat next to me and handed me scarf, wrapping t around my neck. I had blushed lightly.

"Better?" He asked. I nodded as I noticed that Russia fell asleep at the side of my bed. My eyes widened as I blushed harder. I tried to fall asleep now and stroked his hair.

"Goodnight, Ivan."

Canada's POV

Britain was already sound asleep. But the problem with him was that he was having nightmares. Probably thinking about Peter. Almost everyone in the house that left was there. Everyone but Scotland, Wales, and Ireland.

I sighed and hugged Kumajirou in my sleep and closed my eyes. It's just that some things were crossing my thoughts. Maybe, I would have to end up killing France.

That would be horrible...

Seychelles' POV

I kept dreaming that I wish I was at home, with my family. But no, I'm in the Capitol. Sleeping in the Capitol. Waiting for myself to die in a bloodbath. I quivered in fear at the thought.

But France barely looked afraid. As if he barely knew that he was going to be fighting. He was pretty good at pleasing a crowd and getting sponsors, and maybe allies.

The British guy and the shy one from district 7 seem like good allies. Yeah I'll ask them at training about that, maybe we can be friends? I highly doubt that. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Belgium's POV

For once, I felt like I couldn't sleep. I wasn't thinking of myself in the games but I was thinking of my family back in 9. An uprising could have started and my grandmother could have been hurt. Netherlands and I aren't there to help out with her.

She's a strong woman. Even for an elder. So I had faith in her. But at the same time I was worried about Romano. He just seemed isolated from the rest of the tributes.

"Goodnight, me," I told myself and closed my eyes.

Switzerland's POV

"Go to sleep, Lily," I said and tucked her in bed like an older brother would do to his younger sister. Lily sighed and slept peacefully. I sighed and got under my sheets and tried to close my eyes.

"V-Vash I can't sleep," Liechtenstein said in her bed. I sighed and sat next to her on her bedside. "Can you sing? I've never heard you sing," Liechtenstein said and giggled. My eyes widened and I blushed in embarrassment.

"I'm an angel with a shotgun fighting till the war's won I don't care if heaven won't take me back...," and I went on with the song until Liechtenstein was fast asleep.

"Goodnight, Lily," I said and kissed her forehead and went back into my bed and slept. Though the song I sang kept ringing in my mind.

I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.
Don't you know you're everything I have?
And I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight....

Philippines' POV

I would have slept a little bid peacefully if the American sleeping in the other bed next to me wouldn't have snored so loudly. I sighed and pressed my ears against my pillow.

I don't want to tell him to shush since we're good friends and all. I sighed and close my eyes trying my best to sleep.

Good night, who know? Maybe the next day I'm already dead...

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