Intro 9: District 9: Romano & Belgium

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Romano's POV

I was in the fields, picking out grains, walking back and forth from the fields to the grain mill. It was barely tiring. I was from the Capitol. I should have stayed in the Capitol. But that stupid twin sister of mine was the youngest and she got to move to the luxury district. And that other bastard of my brother was the the favorite so he got to go to the luxury district because he didn't want either to stay alone.

And my perverted brother was in district 8. Which I didn't mind but the jobs he had were certainly better than picking out grains. You just sit at home, sewing. The worst thing here is that I have to fend for myself. I'm not even supposed to be working since I'm basically 16. Only people 18 and up are supposed to work. But since I live alone, I have to work for myself.

I hope that when this stupid divide is over I can see my family. And tell them what a douchebag they've been putting me in this district. Once my 20th bag was filled with grain, I went to the factory and got my money and walked away.

I stopped by the market to buy some bread and tomatoes. There wasn't much to buy for a few cents that I had. I saw that there was a pin with a shotgun and a blade crossing. The woman behind the counter was desperate and were selling these pins for only a few cents. She looked old and feeble like she wasn't able to work in the grain fields.

I actually felt bad for the old lady and handed her a few cents and bought two of the pins. "You should give the other one to a special lady. She'll feel like she was protected by you," the old woman said in a raspy voice. I rolled my eyes and put on the pin attached to my brown clothes and put the other one in my pocket. Just when I was about to walk away, I had saw a happy and giddy person walk over to the stand.

"Granny! Granny! I was selling homemade waffles with Herman and I got enough money to help us pay the bills!" The girl exclaimed in a Belgian accent and had suddenly bumped into me. My eyes widened as I gulped and stood there and saw her green eyes and suddenly blushed.

She was..beautiful...

"S-Sorry," I said and faced the floor. The girl just giggled and smiled. "That's okay. I'm Bella Maes, you?" She asked and put out a hand. I quickly shook it and said my name. "Lovino Vargas," I said and put my hands back in my pockets. I saw as Belgium's eyes widened in shock.

"Wait your... Your the president's grandson?" Belgium asked. I sighed and nodded. "It-a really isn't a big-a deal. Ever since the-a divide so..," I trailed off as Belgium shook her head. "I wasn't really affected by the divide. I mean, my parents, yes, moved away. But I still have my older brother and my grandmother," Belgium said. I glanced at the woman at the counter who waved.

I noticed that there was a little bit more money in my pocket. "So, do you want a waffle?" Belgium asked like a Girl Scout. I smiled at her and nodded and handed her a dollar. She gave me a waffle. I haven't eaten in a while ever since today's work day. I ate my waffle, satisfied. "Bella, dear, where's Herman?" Her grandmother asked Belgium. She faced her grandmother and sighed.

"He had to leave early. Herman said he was doing something for the district leaders," Belgium said. I frowned, knowing what he was doing. He was training this year's tributes which is one of the ways that we can see our families. It wasn't a wise choice. But it was better than a war. But this time even more innocent people are going to be killed instead of soldiers.

"Hey, Lovino? Do you know what he was doing? Capitol boy?" Belgium asked and elbowed my arm lightly. My eyes widened as I blushed again and nodded and explained to her what he was doing. The granny looked like she was about to have a heart attack. Belgium's eyes widened as she was able to relax a little.

"Okay so I'm at least 15 so I have to go to the reaping thing, right?" Belgium asked. I nodded. "I'm coming too," I said. Belgium hugged her grandmother goodbye as the both of us walked on the sidewalk to the center of the district where I saw Netherlands standing in front of a microphone in front of everyone. I watched as he picked out of the raffle bowl.

"Bella Maes."

Netherlands looked a bit, creepy and scary when he announced his little sister's name. I inhaled deeply as Belgium stood up next to her brother. I waited for a name to be called. I watched as I was called up next. I wanted to kill everyone. But I wouldn't want to kill the girl standing next to me. It would be too much. I wanted to kill everyone else. So I could win and see my family again. I want to yell at them, maybe even punch them and scold at them for making me separate with them.

Then, I would say I'm sorry.

"The Tributes of District 9!" Netherlands announced as everyone clapped. While Belgium and I were waiting for the train to come in the trolley station, I got something out of my pocket and handed it to her. "Wait, aren't these the pins that granny was selling?" Belgium asked. I nodded and pinned it onto her clothes. "I don't want you to die. Even though I just met you, it's nothing personal. Just don't die," I said and the train came. Belgium giggled innocently and nodded as the both of us got onto the train with Netherlands.

I wanted to kill everyone, see my family, scold them, tell them I'm sorry...

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