Intro 3: District 3: Thailand & Vietnam

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Thailand's POV

I sighed as I was sitting in the corner of my electronic-based room. Petting my baby elephant. People have always hated me since I was the only person in District 3 that still had their family. Tibet was my older brother and India as my best friend ever since childhood so we got to stay here. Of course, there was at least one girl that didn't completely hate me.

Her name was Vietnam, I guess. I asked her earlier when I was in the high-tech lab with India. Vietnam was crying in a corner and she was just as old as me. 14. I had took out my elephant and walked around. The places filled with so much tech. I pushed up my glasses and looked everywhere to see any changes in the area.

I saw that the district leader's house was guarded by riot guards that sort of looked like storm troopers. I passed by a park that had some holograms of President Rome and President Germania. Besides that there were also satellites hovering over the park. Not even a millimeter of land was covered in technology.

I saw that the same girl, Vietnam was sitting on the swing and crying. It seemed that she was still trying to get over her family separation. I could see that she didn't go in pairs and she was separated alone. I sat next to her on the swing and saw that her cheeks were red and wet. I patted her back trying to comfort her.

"Wh-Why did it have to happen? I miss, M-Mei, and Y-Yun..," Vietnam said and shuddered. I patted her back as her tears tears were lessened a bit as she looked at me with red and puffy eyes as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Don't cry, Viet. Hey! Toto will make you smile!" I exclaimed and carried my baby elephant and put it on top of my face. I saw as Vietnam chuckled a little and wiped her eyes.

"Thank you, Thailand. For making me smile even after everything. The Divide, the disappearance of District 12, etcetera," Vietnam said. I smiled and put down the elephant and wiped her tears. It wasn't long before I found her blushing in embarrassment. I quickly put my hand away and held my baby elephant. Vietnam chuckled and folded her hands as she looked around herself.

"This place feels, different. Well, I'm from District 6 we probably do use your electricity for transportation. But, I guess I'm in District 3 now," Vietnam said. I looked around the scenery. I saw that most electronics were glowing an blood red instead of a dark shade of blue like usual. "Maybe, there is," I said. Vietnam raised one eyebrow.

Then she soon turned into a facial expression of understanding. "Oh," she said and pointed to one of the holographic signs saying something.

Reaping Today: Ages 12-18

"Maybe we should go. I mean, it looks urgent if the list are red," I said and got off the swing. Vietnam nodded and did the same as we walked on the sidewalk towards the center of the town, near the trolley station where many refugees were there after the Divide. I could see that there were many people my age. Some people younger, some people older.

Vietnam and I stopped walking when we were in the prescience of two riot guards with guns. We walked up to the woman at the desk and told her our names. She had two sharp needles and injected it into us as she got a blood sample and put it on a card as well as writing our names. "You may enter," she said as we went into the crowd of people where everyone ages 12-18 was.

I clenched my fists as I was forced to take Toto back home so I did that and ran back next to Vietnam. I couldn't find Tibet anywhere but I was able to see India in the crowd. I waved at him as he waved back. I looked at the front where I was supposed to be facing as I saw Tibet in the front of a microphone.

I glanced at Vietnam to see an uncomfortable expression on her face. "What's wrong?" I asked her. Vietnam sighed. "I know what this game is. They pick out one man and one woman from this crowd and we fight," Vietnam whispered so the riot guards in the back wouldn't hear her. I nodded.

"But only one out of 22 people get to live."

My eyes widened as I looked at Vietnam as she clenched her fists and clutched onto my hand, holding it. At first, I was surprised with the move. I soon realized that she was doing it out of fear. I pushed up my glasses with my other hand as I saw that Tibet was now speaking through the microphone.

What was he doing up there?

"Hello adolescences from District 3. I will be the trainer of the man and woman chosen to fight by fate. Chosen for a specific reason. For them to see their talents grow and for us to see our families. As they say, the ladies go first," Tibet said and reached out of one of the bowls and held up a card and read it. Vietnam grit her teeth, trembling in fear.

When Tibet looked at her and called out her name, tears streamed out of her eyes as she forced herself to wipe them away. I saw that her eyes were red and puffy. My eyes widened as Tibet reached into the other bowl.

He called out my name. My eyes widened as I went up there, my face struck with fear as Vietnam was at the verge of tears. I held her hand and held it tight. "I'll keep on making you smile, no matter what," I whispered in her ear and rose up our two hands. "I don't care if I have to go and die first. I have my family already. But I want you to see yours. Because that's another way to make you smile," I said.

Vietnam's tears steamed out of her eyes slowly as she wiped the, away with her other hand. She faced the crowd with a smile on her face. "Mei, Yun, the others, I'm coming," Vietnam said and looked at the crowd that started clapping. Tibet stood in front of us with the microphone in his hand.

"Please welcome, our tributes from District 3!"

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