Intro 2: District 2: Japan & Taiwan

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Taiwan's POV

I was in the stonework fields as I was nibbling on a rice ball Japan gave me on the day of the Divide which wasn't long ago. He gave me a pack of them when I got to this district when I was divided from the rest of my family in District 6. I sighed and enjoyed the deliciousness of the wonderfully rice ball. I haven't eaten in what seemed like weeks when it's only been days since the Divide.

Since those days, many people have been working hard to rebuilding the buildings with stone and masonry work. Hong Kong was the only person that I was divided with. It was separated from Macau and China which was the thing. Hong Kong was even working. Everyone 18 years old and up had to work since there was so many things to rebuild.

I was only 16 but Japan was about 17. I walked around the factories where everything was made. Including stone material, etc.. I looked for Hong Kong but he wasn't there. I was able to spot Japan and thanked him. "Th-Thanks. I would have been starving without these," I said. Japan had nodded and half smiled as he followed me around the factory of workers.

I looked around the masonry factory and saw that almost half of the people here were gone. All that weren't were working and looked quite old. I tapped on a worker's shoulder as he looked at me and pointed to a stadium where most teenagers were there. "Are you the sister of Leon?" The worker asked.

"That's not his name," I said and frowned. The worker rolled his eyes. "Yeah Wang blah blah blah that's his District 2 name. He's over there where the stadium's at," the worker said and continued to smash the stone with a hammer. "Thank you," I said and walked out of the factory as Japan followed me. We were stopped by two riot guards and a woman on the desk.

"Your names," the woman said and was typing into the computer and pushed up her glasses. "Kiku no Honda," Japan said as the woman typed it in. "Mei Wang," I said mine as the lady typed it in. She stood up with two needles as she pierced it in my arm and did the same with Japan with the other one. She wrote down the names and put a tiny blood sample inside and out them in a separate bowl. The riot guards let us in as Japan and I stood in the crowd.

In the front, I could see a familiar 18-year-old standing in front of the microphone with a working hammer in his hand and looked like he just came out of work. "Jia Long!" I yelled out Hong Kong's name. Japan just slightly waved. Hong Kong just glanced at us and spoke into the microphone.

"There's a message from the Capitol that we do this for a reason. To avoid war and to see our families. The tributes we have here will be working with a girl and a boy from the Capitol. This group will be called the Careers. Ladies first," Hong Kong said and reached into the bowl of cards that my name was put in. He opened it and glanced at me with tears forming from his eyes that he tried to ignore.

"Mei Wang."

My eyes widened as I heard of this already and stepped up to the stadium. I saw as Japan's eyes widening as he had clenched his fists trying to remain calm. I saw as Hong Kong reached into the second bowl and got out a small card and opened it as he glanced at Japan. I grit my teeth and clenched my fists as I saw the name on the card.

"Kiku no Honda."

Japan gulped as he stood next to me and grabbed my hand. "Welcome, the two tributes of District 2, Mei Wang and Kiku no Honda," Hong Kong said as I rose up my hand and Japan's in the air as the people in the crowd cheered. I sighed and put my hands down and walked into a small house I lived in with Hong Kong and packed my stuff.

I placed two flowers in my hair and wore something a bit formal. A pink shirt with a pink sweater over it and a long white skirt wearing red shoes. I saw as Japan was wearing black pants and a white buttoned shirt with gold um, thingies on it. I walked out of the small house with my packed things. I saw that Japan brought nothing.

I met with Hong Kong at the front of the train station as we waited for the Capitol train to arrive and take us there. Of course, I never wanted to go to the Capitol after making these games. I read about it and see that only one person escapes it out alive. Hong Kong looked worried since he thought of Japan as family. Even worse, I hated The Divide.

It started from an uprising in district 12 nicknamed the Nordic District. I heard only five men survived since there was an attack. They convinced districts 10 and 11 to start an uprising and it lead to the Capitol quickly. Even districts 10 and 11 had their families separated. While I was stuck in my thoughts, the train had arrived.

It was more fancier than I thought. Of course it was. District 1 is the District of Luxury. Hong Kong, Japan, and I went inside as we were greeted by another group that looked like they were from the Capitol. A blonde boy was wearing a black and white tux, a ginger girl was wearing a brown dress with their trainer wielding an axe and had worn something fancy that made him look Roman. Something like President Rome.

"This is the group your with. Your not allowed to kill each other but your able to work together as if your in the same district. I'm Antonio," Spain explained. Hong Kong nodded as the ginger, happy and giddy shook hands with me with a huge smile on her face. "Hello! I'm-a Feliciana Vargas! You can just call me Feli for short! I'm so happy we're allies!" Italia exclaimed in an Italian accent.

She had her eyes closed for now but when she opened them, her smile had changed a lot. I could see that sadness through her eyes and change in smile. Even children in the Capitol were separated by their families. She must have been separated. I put on a fake smile at Italia.

"Hello I'm Mei Wang. Nice meeting an ally," I said and looked at the blonde boy who was the opposite of Italia. You don't need to even study their face to see that he was clearly in distress. He was jus staring at the floor. Spain cleared his throat as the blonde faced upward and shook hands with Japan first. He showed a strong resemblance with President Germania.

"Hallo, I am Ludvig Beilschmidt," he said in a thick German accent and shook hands with Japan. "And I am Kiku no Honda," Japan said modestly. I shook hands with Germany as Japan shook hands with Italia.

"You four are known as the Careers. The Capitol's most wanted to win. So your one of the most lucky to be in these districts and have more chances of winning," Hong Kong explained with a smile or reassurance on his face. I folded my hands and faced him. "I don't care about who wants us to win. I care about us winning," I said. Everyone was silent after I said that. The surrounding area filled with claps and cheers when the train stopped.

We were at the Capitol.

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