Chapter 7: Cornucopia

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Warning: POVs are out of order ~Author

Vietnam's POV

As soon as I heard the loud ring sound, I quickly stepped off my platform. The thing that worries me was that Thailand was out of my sight. I shrugged off the feeling and got out all of my strength to win. I got my back and a spear as I left the cornucopia.

I couldn't find Thailand anywhere.

I looked back at the cornucopia and saw a familiar person laying down on the ground. My eyes widened as I dropped everything and ran to his side as he was coughing blood on the floor. "Who hurt you? I'm sure there's something in my pack that could help your wounds and-" Thailand cut me off and held his index finger up to my lips.

"I don't care if you win or not. Just..., just last longer than me..," I heard Thailand say as the cannon sounded. His hand dropped immediately as his eyes widened I shock with blood dripping in the corner of his mouth.

"KASEM!!!" I exclaimed. I cried tears as when I looked up, I saw a familiar woman that scored a 12 on her training score. I gulped as she held a knife to my neck.

"G-Go ahead...when you take my life away... You take my life away..," I said and looked down at the ground, sobbing. I felt a sharp pain on my neck as everything turned white like I was facing the sun directly in it's brightness.

I'm sorry Thailand... I couldn't win for you...

Sealand's POV

I picked up my weapon which happened to be a spear. I screamed in anger when I saw the district 6 guy with my metal pipe. My eyes widened as Wy suddenly appeared, and stood in front of me. She got swung with the metal pipe in the rib instead of me and was jabbed continuously on the stomach.

When the district 6 guy thought she was dead, he grabbed his pack and ran into the forest. My eyes widened as I started to loudly sob with Wy on the floor. I knelt down to look at her and caressed my cheek and he dead body with blood at the corner of her mouth and be stomach badly bruised. I heard the cannon fire as I shook her continuously.

"WY!!! WY NO!!!!" I exclaimed and started to cry my tears. I looked at the two people from the same district with their dead bodies on the grass. I looked at Wy and still continued my sobbing.

I took off my sailor hat that I wore with me in the arena and put it down on Wy's chest with her hands folded on top of it. I cried and cried loudly as I kissed her on the nose.

"I-I'm...sorry..," I said and grabbed my pack and spear and and ran into the forest. I kept thinking about Wy the whole way I was running through the forest. I climbed up the tree to rest and cried. Though I tried to stay silent so that no one could see me and kill me.

I want to win for Wy, I want to win for her so badly...

China's POV

Right now I was leaning against a tree, panting heavily from running. That chick, Philippines tried to kill me. But heh, she ran away right after she saw Russia. Russia soon joined me, but be was leaning closer to my tree, leaning closer to me. Almost as if it was the perfect distance for a kiss it almost scared me.

"I-Ivan...there's cameras everywhere people might be watching, aru..," I whispered over to him. He just smiled. "So?" He asked with a grin on his face. I blushed madly. "This is your, first kiss, da?" Russia asked. I gulped and nodded. "Pft it's not embarrassing, aru," I said and crossed my arms and looked the other direction. Ivan grabbed me by the chin and grinned.

"Playing hard-to-get are we?" Ivan asked. I gulped. "F-Fine. You can kiss me a-," before K could finish, our lips were already pressed together. His hands on my waist and mine on his sleeves. It was quite a long, yet passionate and sweet kiss. I've never been kissed before so, this sort of surprised me.

He just smiled, looking down on the floor. I shrugged. "Do you think Natalia's going to kill me when I get home?" He asked. I shrugged. "Maybe aru," I said and kissed his cheek. "Come on we should find food and water. How many kills do you have?" I asked him and walked through the forest. "One," Russia said. "Two," I told him with a grin on my face. It wasn't long before we found a river that seemed as clean as possible.

Canada's POV

I was holding a baseball bat with sharp nails on it so I tried my best to be careful. "Peter? Peter where are you?!" England called out restlessly. "I'm here Mr. Arthur," Sealand said in a glum tone. "My goodness, Peter you look like you've been through something. What happened? And where's that partner of yours? Wy?" England asked. Sealand all of a sudden started to sob really loudly. My eyes widened as England bent down and tries to comfort the young tribute. "Relax, Peter. I know it's hard, but you have to let it go," England told him.

I suddenly heard a rustle in the forest. My eyes widened again as I put my baseball bat in position. "Batter up," I told him and walked closer to the bush. As soon as someone popped out of the bush, I closed my eyes and screamed and started to hit my baseball bat everywhere on that bush.

"Don't hurt me! Don't hurt me!" I exclaimed. I opened my eyes as I dropped my baseball bat and fell to me knees, at shock on who I killed. My bat stained in a crimson red as well as my hands. I gulped and looked at the corpse laying down on the grass.

It was-

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