Chapter 11: Death of Female Tributes

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Seychelles' POV

"Shoot," I said as I threw the spear somewhere. Turns out when I heard the cannon fire twice, I killed someone. I gulped at looked at England for help.

I killed the District 6 girl with an insane partner...

England's eyes widened when he figured it out. "Run." Was all he said. I agreed with that. I could see a figure out of the blue and saw that it was him. The guy that scored a 12. I gulped and started sprinting. England just turned out to be faster.

I watched him catch up and saw a sort of glowing purple in his eyes and saw that his metal pipe was already stained in blood. Tears were spilling out of his glowing, purple eyes. I felt a stinging impact on my ribs. My eyes widened as I clutched onto my stomach. England was still running, thinking that I was running with him.

I winced in pain as the Russian guy was in front of me. I gulped as he started to beat me restlessly with his metal pipe. I tried to endure the pain as much as I could. I tried my best to stay alive. I wanted to win for 8.

"Why won't you die already, da?" Russia asked with a creepy grin on his face. I screamed in pain as tears spilled out of my eyes. "ARTHUR!!!" I yelled my loudest. He came there with his green eyes filled with shock. I looked at Russia as it was one more blow and I was dead.

I closed my eyes and heard footsteps walk away. He wasn't killing the male tributes. I opened my eyes to see that England was on top of me with a concerned look on his face. "You can make it, Angelique. Just endure it it'll be fine," Britain said and took stuff out of pack. But it was empty.

He looked at me with his green eyes frantic. I could almost hear his heartbeat. I looked at him back and we were locked in each other's gaze. I started to cough loudly as I felt a liquid spill out of my mouth.

"Stop! Just stop! Bloody hell come on you can make it!" England exclaimed as I saw tears come out of his eyes. I guess now was time for me do say my final words.

"A-Arthur...the reason I chose you as an ally... Because you influenced me so much... You... volunteered just to protect your little brother... You still fought on no matter what... I wanted to be strong...l-like you..," I said with a weak smile on my face. I struggled to breathe but I had to finish with my last words.

I put my hand on his chest where his heart is. His eyes widened as tears spilled out of his eyes. I laughed. "Don't cry, Artie. Just think of me... But it's your choice want to die... If you do... Just think about it. You have more family than you think...," I told him. I moved my hand to his face and wiped his tears.

"I-I'll always think of you...," England said. He removed the hand I had on his face and kissed it. He was still crying. "F-Farewell... Milady," he saidq in his thick British accent. I laughed and my eyelids grew heavy. Suddenly every bring was pitch black. I've always hated the color black and preferred blue better because I've been afraid of the dark ever since I was a little child in 8.

But this dark, is peaceful.

Prussia's POV

I heard another cannon fire. I sat down to treat Hungary's wound. "O-Ow...," she winced when I touched the scar. I sighed and wrapped a bandage over it. "Are you okay?" I asked her. Hungary shrugged and got up, limping a little. "It could have been worse. Thanks, Prussia," she said with a smile. "No problem," I said.

Suddenly, a grey blur came and Hungary was gone. I took out my sword and chased after he red blur that had Hungary. "ELIZABETA!!" I yelled out her name loudly.

But then the cannon fires a second time.

She's gone. I dropped to my knees and screamed out in anger in sadness. Not just that but all the bad emotions mustering up inside me. I dropped my sword and tears spilled out of my eyes on sadness. This wasn't awesome... This wasn't awesome....

Romano's POV

I was still resting a bit after the fire. Belgium too. I soon noticed that she didn't have her pin on. But it's probably just smelted copper by now. I sighed and sipped on the canteen of water. "Hey, Bella. Here have some of the-a water," I said and handed the water to her.

But she was gone.

My eyes widened. She was just here a second ago. I gulped and picked up my weapon and looked for her. It was too late as I heard another cannon fire.

I frowned as I walked back to the stupid river. I soon saw that there was something on the ground. It was her pin. I gulped and held it on my hand as I soon noticed that it was stained in blood. I saw as a water droplet landed on the pin. My eyes widened as I thought it was raining.

It was my tears...

My eyes widened as I clutched the pin close to my chest and silently cried. She's dead. I can't believe she's dead...

Germany's POV

"Is zhat going to be fine?" I asked Italia about her leg wound. She proudly smiled and nodded as she got up. She seemed okay about it. "Yes I-a am!" She exclaimed. I half smiled and nodded as I stood up with her.

"Gyah!" Italia exclaimed and started to run. I turned to look behind me to see that it was the district 6 tribute. I gulped as I started running with Italia.

But due to her wound, she stumbled and tripped onto the ground. My eyes widened as I tried to pick her up, but then a grey blur appeared as the cannon fired. And before me, I saw a dead body before me with blood running out of her mouth and a badly bruised body.

I knelt besides her and cried with my tears spilling out of my eyes. I pressed my head against her stomach with my arms resting on her. "F-Feliciana...," I said and sobbed.


Switzerland's POV

I kept on shooting my shotgun at a tree but no billets were able to get out. I sighed as I watched Liechtenstein practicing on her tree at her throwing knives.

I still don't understand how she can hit so hard...

I gave up on my shotgun and was planning on going to the cornucopia for a new gun. I sighed and held Liechtenstein's hand like I always did with her and treated her like my little sister. "Vash where are we going?" She asked. "The cornucopia," I said.

It wasn't long before I saw the guy from district 6 who's name was Russia stare at us with. His violet purple eyes glowing and his pipe and uniform blood-stained.

I stood protectively in front of her as she handed me a throwing knife. I soon saw that the idiot had walked away. I sighed in relief as Liechtenstein stood there, frozen.

She saw at least 4 male tributes from districts 1, 5, 7, and 9 there with weapons in their hands. Working weapons. "Where's Russia?!" They all asked, their eyes filled with every bad emotion.

Liechtenstein and I both pointed north without hesitation. They went where the both of us directed them. We soon followed them. Was he the one that killed all the female tributes? I glanced at Liechtenstein as she was following them with horror struck in her face.

"Vash... Am I next?" She asked innocently. I shrugged and held her hand. "We need to go with them. Remember? We're winning this and there are only 7 tributes left in the game," I told her. She nodded and took out another throwing knife.

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