Intro 4: District 4: Sealand & Wy

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Sealand's POV

"Mr. Berwald! Mr. Tino!" I exclaimed calling out my friends Sweden and Finland. They came from the deceased District 12 also nicknamed the Nordic District. I felt bad for them because they're district got attacked and now it doesn't exist and the Divide started. I used to have two friends that seemed almost like brothers to me. Mr. America and Mr. Britain. Britain hated me for some apparent reason but America seemed to be on my side.

America was demoted to the bottom district while Britain got a little light on his day by moving to district 7. "Peter one of your friends are here," Finland said and pointed at the door. Sweden nodded as he pushed up his glasses and read a newspaper he had in his hand. I listened carefully to the knocking on the door and I could easily tell who they were.

I quickly answered the door with a smile on my face. I saw Wy and Seborga standing in front of the door with an unhappy expression on their faces. I raised one eyebrow as the smile was faded off of my face. "Guys what's wrong?" I asked. Wy sighed as Seborga smiled and waved. "Sorry Peter but I gotta go. The District leader wants me to do this thing," Seborga said and waved. Wy shook her head and crossed her arms.

"I don't understand why our district 4 leaders would choose such a misbehaving person for anything," Wy muttered and stepped inside the house. "It's nice to see you again, Wy!" Finland exclaimed. Sweden just glanced at her and nodded. Wy already shuddered at what he looked like. I did get scared of Sweden at first, but he can really be a cool guy! Better than Britain at least. And Finland's nice to me! Wy was still adjusting but she was showing her best behavior to my friends.

"I caught a lot of fish with Mr. Berwald today! I'm not called Sealand for nothing!" I exclaimed. Sweden nodded as his eyes were fixed onto the paper he was reading and Finland had smiled and nodded. Wy showed an appealing smile that makes her look polite. "I'm sure Peter did," Wy said with a smile on her face. Finland had smiled back and read the paper that Sweden was reading.

"Wy there's a lot of flowers outside! Wanna see them?" I asked. Wy shrugged and nodded. "Sure why not," she said as both of us stepped out of the house. "Don't run into any riot guards outside!" Finland exclaimed. "We won't!" Wy and I exclaimed at the same time as we closed the door behind us. It wasn't even cold outside. The sky was a little cloudy but that was pretty much it.

"Wow these are, actually very pretty flowers," Wy said almost sounding astonished. I nodded. "Well, Mr. Tino told me to pick out a flower for you since you've been such a nice guest. I really can't say no to him," I said and picked out a red lily in my hands. Wy's eyes widened as she hugged the white bunny she always carried with her. Britain said that he had a green one with wings but I could never see it.

I handed her the flower as Wy gave me a kind smile. "Your really not as bad-behaving as Seborga," Wy said and put the flower in her hair. I grinned. "Yay!" I exclaimed. Wy smiled and looked at the flowers growing in the front yard. "You know, it's really hard to grow flowers after chaotic things like The Divide happened," Wy said. I drowned and nodded. "Mr. Berwald says he uses fish as fertilizer to help them grow," I replied. I couldn't help but overhear things happening inside the house.

Wy and I grew silent as we carefully listened to what was going on inside the house. I heard Finland sigh. "You know, Wy and Peter are good kids. Compared to the other kids when the divide started. They seemed angry and everything," Finland said. "Well, Peter was like that, too when he was separated," Sweden said. I crossed my arms and pouted.

"I heard that they made some sort of game to stop the madness," Finland said. "Yeah it's on the paper. What kind of president sends teenagers to fight in a bloodbath?!" Sweden exclaimed. "How old are Peter and Wy?" Finland asked. "They're 12. Just the right age for the reaping," Sweden said. My eyes widened as I heard Wy yelp and she was carried by a riot guard.

"Hey! She's my friend you can't take her away!" I exclaimed. A second riot guard picked me up. "We're taking you to the Reaping. Now," the two riot guard said. I sighed and nodded as they continued to carry Wy and I. According to Sweden's description, it's probably bad. I gulped as out blood samples were taken and our names were put into small cards and into a raffle bowl. Wy and I were put into a crowd. The people there were either older than us or the same age as us.

"P-Peter I'm actually sort of scared," Wy said. I shrugged. "I hate to admit it but I am scared, too," I replied. "Seborga!" Wy and I exclaimed as we saw Seborga carrying some sort of weapon. He had a frown on his face and wasn't the Seborga that Wy and I knew.

"Welcome. As a news from the Capitol. One girl and one boy will be chosen to fight in this game. Only one out of 22 people survive. Good luck and ladies go first," Seborga said and picked out a card from one of the raffle bowls.

When he called Wy's name, I was screaming in anger. The riot guards even had to calm me down, almost threatening to shoot me. "NO!!" I yelled and tears came out of my eyes. Why stood up next to Seborga. Her fists clenched and she was holding back tears. Next Seborga picked out a card from another bowl.

"Peter Kirkland."

My eyes widened in shock as I wiped my tears revealing that my cheeks were red and wet and my eyes red and puffy. I stood next to Wy as we had to hold hands and raise them up in the air.

"Welcome, Tributes of District 4!"

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