Intro 5: District 5: Prussia & Hungary

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Author: Okay, Prussia doesn't have his German Accent because he got used to the people in District 5 easily

Prussia's POV

I was in the district, walking around looking at the power lines looking the same as ever. It wasn't long before I saw a familiar brunette-haired girl with a flower in her hair and a frying pan in her hand. "Hey! Eliza!" I exclaimed and waved. Hungary sighed and walked up to me.

"Where's that boyfriend of yours? What was his name? Roderich?" I asked. Hungary crossed her arms. "Grow up Gilbert you won't date me. Find someone your own kind," Hungary said. I shot a glare at her. At the same time I was flushed in embarrassment. "Who said I ever liked you in the first place?!" I exclaimed and clenched my fists.

Hungary didn't answer my question as she just giggled. "Roderich is my boyfriend! He's doing a task right now for our district leaders," Hungary said with a smug look on her face. My eyes widened as I grit my teeth. "Well they should have chose me! I would have done a better job than him!" I exclaimed. Hungary raised one eyebrow. "You couldn't have. That's why they didn't choose you," Hungary said.

"Hey I'm the grandson of the President don't test me!" I exclaimed. Hungary furrowed her eyebrows. "What the hell are you taking about, Gilbert? If you were then why would you be here? District 1 is basically the Capitol and is literally the District of Luxury! Why would a miscreant like you be from the district?" Hungary asked.


Hungary's eyes widened as she had uncrossed her arms and looked at me with a sincere look on her face. She believed every single piece of it. It was true but I didn't like thinking about it much. Now it was the only thing on my mind.


"Hey? Gramps? Vhat zhe hell is happening?!" I asked Grandpa Germania. He shrugged and had spoken with the district 5 leader. "Prussia just go vith zhis man. I promise you'll be safe," Germania said. I nodded and followed the district 5 leader and other refugees into the transportation system.

I fell into one of Grandpa Germania's traps...

*end of flashback

"Hey, Gilbert! You've been spacing out is there something wrong? Did power get to you or something?!" Hungary asked and shook me. She was about to hit me with her frying pan to answer her question. I quickly blinked my eyes back to reality and faced her.

"I swear to God if your lying to me, Gil, you're a dead man," Hungary said. I laughed. "Kesesese! You haven't called me Gil ever since after gramps became president!" I exclaimed. Hungary crossed her arms. "Your lucky that someone like me followed you to district 5. I was supposed to be sent to district 2 but instead I saw Roderich going that way, too. So I went with you," Hungary said. I grit my teeth.

Roderich this, Roderich that, just shut up!

"But why was the divide already happening in our district when we were kids? How come Panem was already dividing and it just needed to be pushed by the attack of District 12?" I asked. Hungary shook her head in disappointment. "Honestly, I don't know. It's the first time you asked a good question. But it's almost impossible for anyone to know the answers except for the district leaders and the presidents," Hungary said. I nodded in agreement.

"How come that stupid brother of mine got to stay in the damn district of luxury while I get the cruddy power," I muttered. Hungary punched me in the arm. I winced and clutched on it where she hit me. "Don't say that. Riot guards and peacemakers may hear you. I heard that they're solving the problem today by picking two people," Hungary said. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"It's a bad idea. I would rather have a war. Killing innocent children is just too wrong," I said and looked at the power cords lined up on what seemed like it was covering every square inch of this whole damn district.

"Do you want me to tell you what Roderich's doing for the district?" Hungary asked. I dug my nails into my palm in anger. "Can you stop talking about Roderich for at least one minute?!" I asked her. Hungary sighed and nodded. "I think we have to go to the center of the district. There's a stadium where they're call out the names," Hungary said and pointed to the tallest power tower. I groaned.

"Eliza, we're literally 18," I told her. Hungary sighed in sadness and nodded. "The ages are 12-18," Hungary said. I frowned as Hungary had a right grip on her frying pan. I gulped and nodded. "W-We should get going now, Eliza," I told her as she nodded and the both of us were walking towards the tallest power tower. We were both silent. I never knew what the games are even about. Maybe it'll be somewhat, like a bubble bloodbath.

"Good luck, Gil," Hungary said, breaking the silence. I turned to look at her with a grin on my face. "I hope you don't get chosen, either, Eliza," I said and looked at her. Hungary scoffed and walked in front of the riot guards with a woman behind the desk.

"Gilbert Beilschmidt," I told her my name.

"Elizabeth Hervates," Hungary told hers.

The woman behind the desk pricked a needle in us and wrote down are names and put a tiny blood sample on there. "The frying pan has to stay," the peacemaker said. Hungary glared at him and put the frying pan on the desk. We soon joined the crowd of people in our age group and saw Austria standing up on the podium.

Hungary waved at Austria. He just glanced at her and looked away. Hungary frowned as Austria took out a piece of paper from the raffle and glanced at Hungary again. When he called out her name, my eyes widened as I was about to climb up onto the stage and harass Austria. The peacemakers refused me to do so. I stayed at the back of the crowd, with peacemakers keeping watch of me.

When Austria picked it my name on the second bowl and called my name, I was more than glad to come up. "G-Gil... What the hell?" Hungary asked in a hush tone. "Come on just let me protect you this once, please?" I asked. Hungary sighed and nodded as we held hands and lifted them in the air and everyone whooped and cheered.

"Tributes of District 5!"

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