Chapter 12: Death of the Male Tributes

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Romano's POV

My heart boiled in anger like pasta noodles cooking boiling in hot water back at home. I clenched my fists tightening the grip on my axe. I teamed up with Britain, to kill Russia. We had the same goal to kill him. Turns out, he killed all of the female tributes except for Liechtenstein.

Maybe I'll kill her and Switzerland later.

I glanced at Britain as he had some sort of crooked frown on his face. He seemed to have an angry expression like I did. Of course, his fellow female tribute was killed by Russia, so be should be angry.

"Hey, 7," I told him. Britain glared at the ground with a sword in his hand. "What is it, 9?" He asked calling me by my district number like I did. "If we're both alive, then we-a fight to the-a death, right?" I asked him.

"Yep," he said and stared at the blade of his sword. I soon noticed that his sword had a crimson red stained liquid on it. Right. He was the one that killed Japan. "She was from 8, she's not my partner. Just an ally. But my partner commuted suicide..," Britain said, staring at the floor.

"Mine was-a killed," I said and took out the pin from my pocket that was still stained in her blood. I bit my lip and put it back in my pocket. "Hey, why didn't the tributes from 1 and 5 join us in killing Ivan? They're team members were killed too, right?" Britain asked. I nodded.

One of them was my sister...

"They're probably-a still sulking," I said and picked up my axe and heard a rustle in the bushes. I stood in a protective stance with my axe as England did the same with his sword.

The both of us soon saw a familiar grey blur that killed our friends. I gulped and hid behind the tree as I carefully climbed up the tree and hid in the branches as Britain distracted it.

He gave me a signal with his sword movement as I jumped off the tree and used all my strength and anger to hit Russia. I succeeded as my axe was lodged into his head. I couldn't help but look at the gory scene of the man's head cut in half.

I heard the cannon fire as I pulled out my axe from his head. "We should go and-a lessen the competition," I told Britain. He nodded in agreement as we raced to the camp where the remaining survivors were.

Since I was tired, before I could kill them, I leaned against a tree to rest. I checked in my pockets if I still had Belgium's pin. I did but I didn't have my own. I sighed and took a sip from my canteen of water and wiped my sweat form my forehead.

I was able to kill him, Britain and I, I want to win, for Belgium...

Germany's POV

Prussia, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and I started to talk about the divide that happened. Prussia of course being a loudmouth, started first. "The divide happened years before, already. I knew this because I was 7 when I had to move away from the Capitol. Not just that but the uprising in 12 was something to make it a little bit more dramatic," Prussia said. I nodded as Switzerland made it look like he understood the situation.

Liechtenstein, on the the other hand, seemed very quiet. I turned to look at a tree with a large hole in it. An obvious camera filming this right now. "Hey, Lily," I called out her near. She looked at me with her innocent, childish eyes. She was the youngest out of all of us. "Yes, Mr. Ludwig?" She asked innocently. I cringed. Italia used to call me Mr. Ludwig when we first met under the Capitol building.

"Vhat's your last name?" I asked out of curiosity. Lily shrugged, looking unsure. "Um, I don't remember my last name, actually. I do go by Lily Zwingli since people often mistaken me for being Vash's younger sister," Liechtenstein explained to me. I nodded and reached for something in my pocket.

I managed to steal it in my dad's office. A bundle of documents with children's birth certificates. I brought them with me. Italia helped and brought the other half of them with her so she could show the tributes in case she surrendered or something. And I wanted to do a good deed before I die.

I handed it to Liechtenstein as her eyes widened at the piece of paper in her hand. She had read it very carefully. "You see, you are Vash's sister and your last name is Zvingli," I told her. She seemed shocked.

"Brother what are you doing?" Prussia asked. I looked at him and pulled out a large piece of paper and put it down on the ground at an angle so that the camera I saw wouldn't see what I was showing them.

"The German Family Tree," I explained to them.

At the top was Germania then it spread off into three people. His son and his two daughters. His son had married a woman and had two sons in the Capitol named Ludwig and Gilbert. The eldest daughter married someone in 5 and named their son Roderich Edelstein. The youngest out of all of them had married someone in 10 and had a son named Vash Zwingli and then they moved to 12 having a daughter named Lily Zwingli.

Before I could say anything else, I couldn't hear or feel everything and everything was bright white.

Switzerland's POV

"LUDWIG!!!" I yelled my loudest as the cannon fired a second time as I saw Germany's body on the grass with his head decapitated by a sword. I grabbed my shotgun trying to make it work. I tried to hurry up with it as a second cannon was sounded.

Prussia was killed before my eyes.

He was lodged in the head with an axe. I finally was able to make my shotgun work as I cocked my gun and protectively stood in front of Liechtenstein. I shot my bullet at Romano. He easily fell to the ground as the cannon sounded. I shot my bullet at England three times, he fell to the ground as the cannon sounded.

Now it was just Liechtenstein and I.

I faced her and gave her a brotherly smile. After killing, I put down my shotgun and put her in a stance where one of her throwing knives touched my neck.

"V-Vash I-" "Just do it, Lily!" I exclaimed. Liechtenstein's eyes widened as she stared at her blade. "Fighting 101: Never hesitate to kill!" I exclaimed loudly. Liechtenstein cried as tears escaped her eyes. "If you don't do it," I said and held my shotgun up to my temple. "I will," I said.

"I...won't...die...," I said.

Liechtenstein yelped as I felt a sharp pain on my neck and everything was white.

Thank you...Liechtenstein....

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