Intro 7: District 7: England & Nyo! Canada

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England's POV

I hade my axe as I swung if back and forth in the forest at a tree. I kept on swinging my axe at it as I was driven with anger and adrenaline. I was separated with almost my whole family. Only Canada was able to stay. I grit my teeth and after at least one last blow, the tree was down.

"Alfred... Francis... Peter..," I muttered their names in my head as I divided the wood into sections to make it easy for me to carry as well as the other workers. Ever since this stupid divide, everyone 18 and up had to work wherever their district stranded for.

District 1 would have to work in hotels and crap, District 2 would work on making houses with rock, District 3 would work on the electrics fields or power plants, District 4 would have to be fishing, District 5 would be fixing and repairing broken power lines, District 6 would work on railroads.

And here I am, District 7, chopping down trees, making firewood, making money. But it seemed like a boring life. I sighed and chopped the tree into firewood as I gathered some in my  bag for home. I sighed as I was able to drag the rest of the firewood on a wagon as I made it to the train station. It was much more sufficient instead of dragging this thing while walking.

There were always new people from different districts that would talk to me. Others would have given me weird looks. I ignored all of them. "You work in 7 too, right?" I heard someone. I faced him and realized who it was. Ugh.

"What do you want you git?" I asked the Scotsman who was carrying a sheep while I had a load of firewood. Scotland just smirked. "I'm doing a task for the district leaders. I'm glad I finally moved out of your place," Scotland said. "Well ever since you moved out, Allistor, Madeline is the only one left and Alfred, Francis, and Peter had left," I said. Scotland laughed. "Not my problem now," Scotland said. "You bloody git go to bloody hell," I muttered and clenched my fists. "I thought you were supposed to be a gentleman," Scotland said with a smirk. "Shut up!" I yelled at him.

It wasn't long before I made it to a train stop. I dragged my wagon along with me and carried some of the heavy weight on my shoulders and made it to the wood-processing factory. I put my wagon of wood in a large box and brought the bloody wagon with me and the firewood in my bag was for the house.

I stopped by the market place at first where I was able to buy a few things. A few matches for the firewood and some tea bags. I carried my wagon and my bag filled with firewood back home. I checked in my pockets to see that I forgot my keys back home.

I knocked on the door since I didn't have the keys I wasn't able to bring. Canada opened it for me. "Thank you, sis," I said in my thick British accent. "D-Don't worry aboot it," Canada said as she sipped on a cup of coffee. I nodded and placed the firewood in the fireplace and put the tea bags in the cabinet. I put the matches next to the fireplace and threw myself on the couch feeling tired.

"H-How was work?" Canada asked. I sighed and rested my head against a pillow. "I'm okay. Thank you for your concern, Madeline. But I met up with Allistor in the train station. He's doing something for the district leaders," I said. Canada frowned and hugged her polar bear. "Why? What happened?" I asked and sat upright on the couch.

"N-Nothing I'll tell you later. Just go ahead and take a bath, Britain. The reaping's today," Canada said. My eyes widened as I faced to my room and got out my clothes and went into the bathroom.

Bloody hell that's right!

I soon noticed that I had a few splinters on my body from the wood. I shrugged off the small feeling of pain and took a shower. I soon got out and quickly changed into my clothes and combed my hair quickly as I went outside of the bathroom. Canada was still sad. "Do you think you can tell me what happened with Allistor? Madeline?" I asked her. Canada nodded.

"W-Well, it started when he dropped by the house to hopefully mock you but you were at work, eh? Well, Allistor came in and said that Peter...was fighting in the games," Canada said, facing the floor. My eyes widened in shock. "Th-That's impossible! Peter, in the games?! Bloody hell he's only 12!" I exclaimed. Canada nodded.

"But who's the girl? Is she older? Will she protect him?!" I asked. Canada shook her head. "No, they're aboot the same age," Canada said. I sighed stood up. "I'll volunteer," I said. Canada's eyes widened. "A-Arthur are you crazy?" Canada asked. I shook my head. "I'm protecting that bloody git of my brother. No matter what it takes," I said. Canada's eyes widened.

"Th-Then I'm coming, too. Arthur," Canada said and pushed up her glasses and faced me. My eyes widened. My shy younger sister, fighting in a bloodbath?! Imagining Sealand in the games is enough already! "Madeline don't do it! I swear to bloody God if you do I-I'll...," I couldn't think of a way to prevent her from going.

"You'll die out there!" I screamed. Canada sighed as we both stepped out of the building. Our hands in our pockets, both in silence. The woman wrote our names on a paper and did our blood samples. We were standing in the crowd of people, waiting to see what would happen.

Canada was chosen instead of her volunteering. I quickly volunteered right after. Canada and I were the tributes. I saw how everyone was in shock that I volunteered. We held hands and rose them up high. The Tributes of District 7.

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