Intro 10: District 10: Switzerland & Liechtenstein

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Liechtenstein's POV

I was sitting in my room, praying that my brother wouldn't get hurt during hunting. Later on after that I was tying my ribbon in my hair and ate my food. It wasn't long before my brother came in with a cattle draped on the top of his shoulders. He was sweating as he struggled to carry the cattle into the room. He carried his special shotgun on his other hand.

"L-Lily...can you carry my shotgun to my room?" Switzerland asked. "Sure," I said and picked up his shotgun and put it on top of his bed. I returned back into the kitchen and sat on the couch as Switzerland did really most of the hard work.

I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Liechtenstein also known as Lily. Just Lily. The person with the cattle as you know is Switzerland also known as Vash Zwingli. We may look alike be we aren't blood related. You see, since the divide, I'm from district 12. I landed in district 10 all of a sudden as I was sitting in the alleyway, begging and pleading. My family was killed in the attack. Switzerland was the only one kind enough to give me a home.

I'm 12 years old and he's 15. I'm one of the youngest in the reaping so I'm actually quite scared if I get picked. "Lily, let me teach you how to fight. In case you get chosen," Switzerland said. I nodded and stood up as Switzerland refrigerated the rest of the cattle after chopping it into bits so it could fit in the fridge. I stood up as Switzerland was fixing the way my arms and legs stood.

He put my hands in fists and my knees slightly bent, one of my feet in front of the other firmly planted to the ground and the other one behind me standing on my toes. He had lifted up my arms at my side with my elbows bent into 90% angles. "I want you to remember this stance, okay?" Switzerland asked. I nodded.

"Your standing on your toes because if the enemy is attacking you can move quickly. And the other foot is there so the foot behind you can be able to launch at your enemy with ease. Your hands are already in fists so you can punch or jab them. If the enemy attacks first, cover your face with your arms like this," Switzerland said as he moved his arms to hide his face. I had did the same. Switzerland nodded. "Good now redo the stance," Switzerland said. I nodded and got back to standing up straight.

I tried to return to my stance but I completely forgot. Switzerland sighed. "Maybe it's better if I do it and show you," Switzerland said and got into a stance. I had tried to mirror him but it took me at least a minute to do it. "Okay, now your in this stance. You can punch or kick and block," Switzerland said and started to punch in the air multiple times with such swiftness. I had tried to do the same, but I fell down on my face.

"L-Lily!" Switzerland exclaimed and helped me up. "I-I'm fine, Vash," I assured him. Switzerland crossed his arms. "The reason you fell is because your foot in the front wasn't firmly planted to the ground. It's not right if both feet are on your toes. Because if that happens, when you launch at your enemy, you'll loose balance since the first one wasn't stable and you fall on your face," Switzerland said. I was completely lost.

I got back into the same stance with my foot firmly planted to the ground and my other one on my toes. My arms in a 90% angle and my hands in fists. "Okay. Stance right. Now try and punching this," Switzerland said holding up his hand and pointed at his palm. I gulped and launched my fist at his palm. He winced in pain. My eyes widened as I ran to the cabinet and took out the first aid kit and rushed to Switzerland's aid as he was kneeling on the ground in pain.

"Vash! Oh my goodness I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed and bandaged his hand. Switzerland chuckled. "You...actually hit pretty hard. It's my fault for not knowing," Switzerland said as I tested off the rest of the bandage when I was finished. "Are you okay now?" I asked him. Vash nodded and stood up. "We should get to the reaping now. It's pretty late," Switzerland said. I nodded as the both of us stepped out of the house. I looked at Switzerland's expression change. He was shocked. Was it because of my punches? It couldn't have been that hard.

I realized that Switzerland brought his shotgun again. I frowned. "Vash why do you have the need to bring that? The peacemakers and riot guards will get mad," I said. Switzerland sighed and nodded. "I know, I know Lily. It's just that I feel lucky with it. Look what happened with the cattle today. Peacemakers are nothing compared to my peace prize," Switzerland said as there were two riot guards guarding a woman behind the desk.

"Drop your weapon, sir," she said. The riot guards had cocked their guns and aimed it at me. "I told you," I whispered over to Vash. He sighed and nodded as he put his shotgun to the desk and put his hands up in defense. "Alright alright," Switzerland said as the both of us said our names. We soon joined the crowd of people as I saw someone from my old district standing in front of a microphone in front of everyone.


One of the strongest survivors in District 12. People only know about 5 men from the district. None of them knew about me. I begged the five of them to not mention my name. We were like family coming from the same district and all. When Denmark called my name, I stood next to him. Switzerland started a rant as he reached for his shotgun on the desk.

"WHAT THE HELL?! SHE'S ONLY A CHILD! A CHILD!" Switzerland exclaimed. The riot guards held a gun to his temple. "Drop the weapon, and we won't shoot," the riot guard said. Switzerland fell to his knees like he did before as tears came out of his eyes. "L-Lily..," Switzerland said my name quietly.

Denmark just looked at the scene for a split second and picked out of the other raffle place. He called out Switzerland's name. He blankly walked over next to me looking about as alive as a zombie. He grabbed my hand and rose it up as Denmark announced our names.

"Tributes of District 10!"

"I'll protect you. No matter what," I heard Switzerland whisper over to me. I bit my lip and put my hands down as soon as the clapping and cheering died down.

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