Chapter 10: Flames

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Philippines' POV

I woke up bright and early as I was in the tree. I looked at the scorching sun of the sunrise that was shining in my eyes. I grinned in victory as I was able to survive night one. The I soon realized, the light wasn't the sun.

It was fire, the tree I was on set in flames. I realized that the whole area I was in was burning. I felt my skin catch on fire as I screamed in agony. My grin faded as I fell from my tree and crashed my skull onto the ground.

The pain, I couldn't last any longer. I just wanted to hurry up and die already. But the pain lasted for what seemed like, forever. Finally, my eyes closed as I was able to die. I couldn't feel the pain. I didn't even know what was going on. Everything was pitch black.

Germany's POV

I saw a burning flame in a distance. Italia was clinging on to me oddly. A red blush formed on my cheeks but now there was no time to that. Italia was awake, it was morning. But fire could spread very quickly in the woods. I know from experience.

"Feliciana! Get up!" I yelled at her. Italia was sobbing from pain. I noticed an oozing scar on her leg. She couldn't walk or run in this condition. I sighed and picked her up bridal style and carried a roll of bandages and a canteen of water with me as I ran as fast as I could from the fire.

Belgium's POV

I could see the fire in the distance. I shook Romano awake. He groggily got up as he was soon fully conscious when he saw the fire spreading quickly. He scrambled to his feet and got a thermos of water as well as food and medical supply.

The both of us ran as quickly as we could until we reached a river. The two of us scrambled to our feet and put ourselves in the river, holding our breath. I had to look up each time to see when the fire receded, taking breathes each time I got out.

It wasn't long before I saw the flames disappear and we were safe. Romano came out of the water, gasping for air. He leaned against a tree as I did the same. "We..made-a it...," he said breathlessly. I nodded in agreement and laughed in victory.

Liechtenstein's POV

"Stupid thing doesn't work," Switzerland said, muttering curse words under his breath as he tried to use his shotgun he got at the cornucopia. I went with throwing knives. It wasn't long before I saw bright orange flames spreading throughout the forest.

"Lily, hop on," Switzerland said. I soon noticed that I was limping from an earlier cramp from running too much. I hopped onto his back as Switzerland gave me a piggy-back ride as he started to sprint for it, holding his weapon on his back, his food, and water.

I held a role of bandages in my hand, hoping to be of use. I nearly fainted from the heat that grew suddenly close to us. But we made it. The flames receded. Switzerland carefully put me down and leaned against a tree, panting.

My heart raced in adrenaline and fear. I gulped my tears back and saw a cannon fire and Philippines' picture was shown in the sky. I cried and leaned against the tree with Switzerland.

Is this what these games are supposed to be? Killing innocent people? Why would they be doing that?

Prussia's POV

"H-Hey! Put me down you idiot I'm very capable of running for myself!" Hungary exclaimed as I carried her bridal style. She was carrying most of the equipment, so she should be thanking me that she's not the one with all the heavy weight in her hands.

"Then explain the burn scar on your leg," I said. Hungary crossed her armed. "Point taken. Hurry up the fire's catching!" Hungary exclaimed. Beads of sweat formed on my face as I felt the heat grow closer. I made a run for it and switched directions, soon realizing that the flame was only spreading in one direction. It was heading north.

Russia's POV

When China and I saw the bright orange flame spreading quickly, a grin appeared on both of our faces. "Just like in 6?" I asked. "Just like in 6, aru," she said with a grin. The two of us started sprinting as fast as we could with water, food, and weapons.

The fire itself couldn't catch up. I had a grin on my face as the both of us were running until we reached the endpoint of the fire. It soon receded as we walked the rest of the way to hunt some tributes or wait till the cornucopia is replenished.

"I'm sorry about your scarf, aru," China said handing it to me. Some of the fabric was Burt off and it looked like it could be torn apart any moment. I sighed and patted her head. "That's fine. Keep it for now, da?" I asked. China sighed and nodded as she kept the scarf wrapped around her neck.

"Now, I'm sure that we should go to the career camp since the district 2 tributes are dead and the district 1 tributes left due to the fire, ar-" Before China could finish, she was cut off by the sound of the cannon firing.

I soon noticed that there was a spear lodged in her head.

"YUN!!!!!" I yelled as she fell down. Tears escaped my eyes and landed on her lifeless body. "You did so well, how could you have died?!" I exclaimed. I soon saw that there was a smiling face on the tribute as she was dead. I silently sobbed and laid her down on the grass. I pulled out a sunflower and laid it in top of her chest. I watched a blood spilled from both sides of her head.

I caressed her head where there was a blood wound. I kissed her on the lips while she was gone. I silently cried and stared at my blood-stained gloves. I walked off carrying my metal pipe.

I remembered that when I was little, Belarus would make me watch princess movies with her. When I watched "Sleeping Beauty", I actually believed in it. But now my sleeping beauty is gone, forever sleeping...

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