Chapter 3: Training Scores

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Italia's POV

"Bonjonrio!" I exclaimed to the game makers. I picked up some knives from the table and aimed them at the dummy. One landed a little bit outside the circle, the other straight in the chest, and the other right in the eye socket. The game makers clapped as I left. "Your-a next, Luddy," I told him.

Germany's POV

I had stepped up to the plate and saw my grandfather in the distance, sipping beer. I rolled my eyes and picked up a simple throwing blade and a whip. I first whipped my opponent, so he's weakened. Then I use my throwing blade to chop it's head off. The head blew off with ease.

Taiwan's POV

"Hi!" I exclaimed happily and got many knives and spun around, throwing them all rapidly aiming for the target. With my eyes closed. I opened them and saw that my target was now covered in literally all the knives I threw. I bowed and returned to my temporary room.

Japan's POV

"Konichiwa," I said and bowed as I picked up a katana. I focused all my strength and lunged myself toward the test dummy and sliced it's head off then stabbed both of the eyes with the blade. Then I made a Japanese symbol on it's chest.


Vietnam's POV

I didn't even bother to talk to the game makers as I picked a spear. I threw it at the dummy as it exploded right when it hit the chest. I walked away without a word, knowing that it exploded form the force of the spear that I used to throw it. I'm sure I pleased them.

Thailand's POV

I greeted the game makers happily and picked out a couple of throwing knives. About three. I had aimed my first one for the chest.


I was a bit angry now as I threw the knives in violent anger. The two I had landed in the eye sockets. I looked at the gamemakers and left the place.

Wy's POV

I entered the room, inhaling deeply trying to focus on what my training meant. I picked up a pitchfork and a few knives, I was able to hit the pitchfork at the neck, pinning my enemy to the wall. Then I used my throwing knives to pin the clothes to the wall on the arms and legs. With my last throwing knife, I hit my target at the middle. The gamemakers looked astonished as I left the room.

Sealand's POV

I entered the room. First, I shot my fishing rod at the dummy, landing in on the next I reeled the dummy in then kicked it's neck and beat at it restlessly. I exited out without a word. I'm sure that without a doubt, I pleased the gamemakers. That and my adorable face no one can resist.

Hungary's POV

"Hello!" I said and picked out a weapon. Sadly, there was no frying pan so I went with a sword and a spear. At first I threw the spear at the chest the went up to the dummy with my sword and jabbed it at it's face and body parts repeatedly. I exited the place and walked off.

Prussia's POV

Sadly, none of the gamemakers were girls so they wouldn't be easy to please. I took a bow and arrows and shot at least three at the middle of the target swiftly. "See how awesome I am?" I asked and exited the room.

China's POV

"Ni Hao!" I exclaimed and got out a sword and shield. The closest to a wok pan and a ladle spoon like I usually use. At first. I laughed my shield at them, then used my sword to slice my opponent's head in half.

Russia's POV

Fighting was an ease for me. I got out literally all of the weapons and used on the table and threw them all at the dummy. None of them landed outside of the dummy as they all hit the target perfectly. None of them landing outside of the dummy. I left the place, knowing I had pleased them everywhere.

Canada's POV

"Wish me luck, Kuma," I said to my polar bear. "Who are you?" "I'm Canada," I said and walked over to the room and picked a few weapons. I first picked an axe because it's the only weapon I'm really used to. I lunged my axe at the opponent and it was scarred and bruised.

Britain's POV

"Hello," I said at the gamemakers and picked out a fine axe that looked very different from the ones in 7. I lunged my axe at the dummy as it hit it's chest, cutting the dummy in half. I was focusing my strength to my arms and that's what happened. "Goodbye," I said and exited the room.

Seychelles' POV

"Hi!" I greeted the gamemakers and got out a baseball with nails on it. I beat on the dummy restlessly until the bell rang. I dropped my baseball bat and left the room, wondering what the gamemakers thought.

France's POV

"Heh, thanks Jeanne," I said and got a sword and shield. I pecked my sword at the dummy until it was split in half. I cut it with my shekels making it look like it was divided in fourths. Because it was.

Belgium's POV

When I got into the room, I glanced at the gamemakers and chose the weapon I had the most experience with. I chose the pitchfork and lunged it it at the chest of the dummy. Something electric hit the pitchfork. The device used to test the strength of the hit. I broke it.

Romano's POV

"I don't want to do anything for these Capitol bastards..," I muttered and got out a knife. I glared at the gamemakers and threw the knife at the dummy. As usual, it hit the floor. I stepped out of the room like nothing happened.

Liechtenstein's POV

I was a bit scared. But my strength was one of the only things that I had. I could use it to throw my weapons. At first, I got my bow and arrow. I aimed at the dummy. I got the arrows where I wanted them. I stepped up to the dummy and punched it, blowing it's head off.

Switzerland's POV

As usual, I got the shotgun at the table. Quite a huge difference from the ones in 10. I shrugged and showered bikers all over the dummy. Making it look almost like a porcupine. I put the shotgun on the table and left.

Philippines' POV

I really hated violence, but this is one of my exceptions. I sighed and got out a pitchfork and a sword. I threw myself at the dummy and picked it up with my pitchfork then drew my sword through the dummy, cutting it in half.

America's POV

Last person. I was a bit nervous. I stepped up go the plate and got out a pistol from the table and shot two bullets in the eyes, the other one in the legs, and the final ones in the chest and neck. I left my pistol there and left the room.

Scores out of 10
Italy: 7
Germany: 8
Taiwan: 10
Japan: 9
Vietnam: 7
Thailand: 6
Wy: 9
Sealand: 5
Hungary: 8
Prussia: 9
China: 12
Russia: 12
Canada: 7
England: 9
Seychelles: 8
France: 9
Belgium: *Error*
Romano: 1
Liechtenstein: 10
Switzerland: 10
Philippines: 9
America: 8

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