Chapter 1: Chariot Ride

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Germany's POV

"Vhat zhe hell?!" I yelled at Spain. He forced back a snicker and nodded. "Your the district of luxury," Spain said. I almost felt like punching him.


"Chill-a out, Luddy. It's-a okay!" Italia exclaimed. I signed and went on with it. Italia did actually look pretty good in her costume. I sighed and got on my chariot as I waved at the crowd and put my best face on. Of course, I felt like I was suffering on the inside.

Remember, it's not about appearance and sponsors, surviving is all that matters...

Japan's POV

Our costumes were actually pretty amazing. The fact that it was made entirely out of gold made the costume a bit uncomfortable. But of course there was some fabric underneath. Taiwan had looked amazing I almost got a nosebleed. I ignored the feeling and walked onto the chariot.

People started whooping and cheering. I had waved at them and put a smile on my face. Sometimes the appearance did matter. As a career, I had to show then that I was a career. That I was proud of my district. Even the smallest things like appearance matters in this world.

Thailand's POV

Our costumes were decent enough. We were grey like elephants! The hat looked a bit funny. I made Vietnam smile again when I put it on. She even broke into laughed. I was glad that she was able to smile. The both of us got onto the chariot and started waving at the crowd.

It was pretty amazing how they would cheer for people they barely knew. But I didn't care as I showed them my appreciation by gladly waving at them and giving them smiles. I was surprised that Vietnam got to keep the smile she did when laughing at me.

Sealand's POV

"Yay! Blue!" I exclaimed. Wy sighed as she didn't complain as she put on her crown. She got onto the chariot as the both of us had to have a stool attached to the chariot since both of us were so short.

We happily waved at the people cheering at us. "Oh hello there!" I exclaimed as one of them through one rose at least to us. Maybe it was because we were the cutest! And youngest, but I really want to fight! I really want to live! I could almost care less about this appearance judging that's happening now!

Prussia's POV

Well, the costume did look really funny on me. Hungary bursted out into laughter. When Austria was gone and in the training center, I elbowed Hungary. "What do you want?" She asked. "Is he still really your boyfriend? He doesn't seem to care whether you die or not," I said. Hungary smacked me on the arm. "Shut up!" She exclaimed and got onto the chariot.

She put up a smile like our conversation never happened. But she looked a bit sad. I continued to wave at the people in the crowd. They seemed to really cheer when I looked at them. One girl nearly fainted.

Maybe I could get used to the Capitol liking me...

Russia's POV

I don't really know, wearing this kind of costume wasn't very thrilling. China seemed uncomfortable with it. "Ai ya..," China said and got onto the chariot and put on an adorable smile for the crowd and waved at them. Though her smile seemed very forced, the Capitol barely seemed to care.

I had put on a smile. But most of their attention was toward China. My violet eyes widened even more as they started to look at me out of fear.

If I use that, then maybe I'll win the games!

England's POV

It seemed like this entire costume I wore looked like it was made entirely out do paper. Though I got a few paper cuts putting it on, I've gotten worse by chopping wood and getting splinters. Canada looked decent enough to please the Capitol. Of course anything could please them, even a bloodbath.

The both of us got into the chariot as I forced a smile and waved at the Capitol people in the crowd. Canada had a bit of trouble since she was very shy. The whole crowd "awed" at her. Of course, everyone goes for the cute and shy ones.

I suddenly thought of Sealand...

France's POV

Pleasing a crowd is what I'm amazing at. It would be very easy with this costume. Seychelles looked amazing as well. The both of us got onto the chariot and waved at the crowd. They were all whooping and cheering while looking at me. I blew many kisses to them. It seemed that most of them had already had crushes on the District 8 boy. Seychelles was keeping up pleasing the men of the Capitol with her adorable dimples and her innocent look.

Pleasing may not help me win the games, but at least people will miss me when I'm gone...

Romano's POV

"Come on, Lovino put on a smile for the crowd!" Belgium encouraged and played with my cheeks a little to make me turn into a smile. There's something about Belgium that I couldn't say no to. So I kept the grin she made on my face and then the both of us stepped onto the chariot.

I waved with a grin on my face though it was hurting my face a bit. I hated smiling.

Because all that was on my mind was killing every other district participant so I could see my family...

Switzerland's POV

"Smile Vash!" Liechtenstein exclaimed. I forced a smile and got onto the chariot and waved at the crowd of Capitol people. Though my forced smile sort of creeped people out. Though Liechtenstein made people go "awe" because of how cute she was.

But under that cuteness she was a hard hitter. She barely knew how to fight. And punched mean nothing in the games since it's mostly weapon-based. I should have taught her weapon control when I had the chance.

Still, I'll protect her with my life...

America's POV

I was able to feel joyful enough to make my joy look like it was real. I saw way too many people from my family. Canada, Sealand, Britain, France. My prediction was right. The people I would have to be fighting, is my only family.

I had forced a smile as Philippines had the cheerful smile she always had and waved at the crowd. Then I copied her and waved. I didn't feel as cheerful as her. I didn't want her to die. I didn't want to die.

Maybe I would have to end up to kill my family after all...

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