Intro 6: District 6: Russia & Nyo! China

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Nyo! China's POV

I was walking around the busy train stations. They looked so high tech. I couldn't believe that I got to stay in my district. But I was separated from my younger siblings. Hong Kong and Taiwan. At least I had Macau. But I still do miss my siblings. They are my family.

I was a bit envious from the boy that lived across the street. His name was Ivan, I think. He had all of his siblings, still. He was the only one in the district that got to keep all of his family. I mean, his friends were separated from him. But he still had his siblings.

I was walking around the neighborhood once I passed by most of the trolley stations around where I live in the district. I was looking at the ground when I bumped into someone. I looked at the man wearing a scarf and a trench coat. He was a white-haired man with violet eyes. Though his eyes were unique from most people around 6.

"You live across the street, da? Wang Yun, right?" He asked. My eyes widened as I nodded. "Y-Yes..," I said, suddenly realizing that I was flustered in embarrassment. I couldn't help but notice his siblings in the background. The younger one seemed to be spying on us. The older one was happily cleaning to backyard.

"Oh you are! That's wonderful!" He exclaimed with delight and a bright smile was shown on his face. I shrugged and forced myself to smile. "What's so great about being Wang Yun, aru?" I asked. He had pulled out something from his coat. I was about to do Kung Fu on him if he brought out a weapon.

Instead, it was just a sunflower.

My eyes widened as he handed it to me. Russia just continued to smile. I saw his siblings in the background. The younger one hissed at me while the older one was holding her back. "I'm giving a sunflower to each family that lost someone in the divide. It's great, da?" Russia asked. I smiled and nodded.

"It's a wonderful thing, aru!" I exclaimed. Russia had pulled me into a tight hug. My eyes widened as I felt myself go red. "I'm glad you think that way!" Russia exclaimed and pulled me out of the tight hug. I spotted the younger sister holding ten knives which sort of scared me.

"Let me introduce you to my sisters! The one with the knives here is Natalia. And the other one here is Katyusha," Russia said. I waved at them and showed my hospitality. "Ni hao! I'm Wang Yun, aru!" I exclaimed. Belarus started murmuring something while Katyusha just laughed. "Um, Yun. Do you want to play a game?" Ukraine asked.

"Um, sure! I guess so, aru!" I exclaimed. "Okay we're playing tag and Natalia's it. So don't let her get near you or Ivan!" Ukraine exclaimed. I raised one eyebrow as I looked at Natalia as if she was going to kill anyone that got in her way. "We should probably run, da?" Russia asked. I nodded in agreement as we broke into a sprint.

It wasn't long before we made it to the forest but Belarus was still on the loose. I could hear her chanting Big Brother even from afar. "I'm sorry about, Natalia she's a bit crazy," Russia said. I shrugged. "That's okay. I've had three younger siblings and let's say that not all of them were well-behaving, aru," I said and rested on the tree for a bit and looked at the sunflower he gave me.

"So, Yun. How many siblings do you have now?" Russia asked. I sighed and faced him and held up my index finger. "One. Two were moved to district 2," I said. Russia nodded as he looked around the forest. Wondering how peaceful it was without his younger sister around. Her chanting lessened as Russia started to relax a bit and leaned on the same tree as me.

"How come everyone's afraid of you?" I asked. Russia just laughed. "It's just my sister. Everyone's afraid of her. Well, sometimes K can be menacing but not that much, da?" Russia asked. I sighed and nodded. I got up and took a sip from my water bottle. "I brought an extra. Do you want one, aru?" I asked. Russia hesitated a little before taking the offer. I tossed him the water bottle as he caught it and took gulps. He finished the whole thing in like, 10 seconds.

"We should go to that reaping thing, aru. We're still in the age group, aru," I said as Russia nodded. "Want to race?" Russia asked. I nodded.


The both of us broke into sprints. Because of my size and my experience, I was able to beat him to the reaping place in the heart of the district. Russia sighed as we saw a woman by the desk and we told her out names. She wrote them down and did something with our blood as we joined the crowd of people that were still in our age group. Russia and I were both 18. So it might be likely that we could be picked. But we may have a strong chance in winning since they're might be a lot of young people there. I couldn't help but see that North Korea was up there as he picked a paper from the raffle bowl and called out my name.

Russia's eyes widened as I stood up next to North Korea so the whole crowd could see me. I was actually surprised, I never knew that I would actually get picked. Maybe it was just a coincidence.

I hid my hands behind my back as I was secretly crossing my fingers that Russia wouldn't get chosen. Because then one of us would survive. I considered Russia as s friend so I wouldn't want him to die and I wouldn't want myself to die. Yet I want to see my family.

When his name was called I grit my teeth as he held my hand with his gloved hand. "You look tense. You'll be fine, Yun," Russia whispered. I was trembling as I nodded and we raised our hands up.

"Tributes of District 6!" North Korea announced as everyone clapped and cheered. I wanted to survive. As much as I want to I want to survive...

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