Chapter 1

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It is the starting of the term and Bella, Lisa and Meg are friends till date but they have a few problems one of them is that Meg has been sent to the other section.
Bella's P.O.V

It is our first day. I am really nervous.

I entered the class to find Lisa sitting on the last bench.

"Hey Bella! Come on." Lisa called.
"Coming" I replied. So I went and sat next to her. Right now we can't talk to any of our friends till the time we get to know who our class teacher is.

I couldn't see any new faces so I think that there aren't any new admissions this year.

"Good morning!" I heard a familiar voice. I looked up and saw that it my most liked teacher. I am a very good student in her eyes. So this is the first good thing at the stating of the session. Yay!

"Hi Bella!" I heard someone say bringing me to the reality from my thoughts.
"Hi Liam!" I replied seeing him standing next to my bench.
"I am Soo sad to see that Harry is in the other section." I said.

Harry and Liam were best friends last year. Me and liam became friends because our Fandoms were same. We used to talk about Harry Potter, Percy Jackson etc. But after some time Harry started spreading the Rumour that me and Liam were together. So liam started ignoring me and he started staying away from me.

"Bella? Are you okay?" Liam asked worriedly.
"Yeah! Just got a bit lost in my thoughts. Did you say something?" I asked.
"Yup! I was wondering whether you would like to be friends with me again. Harry is gone we won't be that close friends anymore so..." Liam asked.
"Oh liam! You were always my friend. You are free to come and talk to me whenever you want." I told him.
"Thanks Bells." And he went away to sit with....Niall?
From when are NIALL AND LIAM good friends. I thought that Liam didn't like Niall.

Anyway why do I care?

I saw Lisa sitting really quietly. So I asked her" Hey lisa are you okay? You seem tensed."

"I was just thinking about what Sofia and Ellie said." She replied.

Arh! Not again! Since Amelia's party last year Lisa has just been talking about Sofia and Ellie. I soo sick of her talks about them.


It is break time right now. Well we all are going outside. As me and Lisa are walking through the corridors and talking we meet Meg. She doesn't seem happy about her class.

On our way back to class Suddenly Sofia and Ellie come and take Lisa with them they don't give a damn if I was standing there or not. They left me alone in the corridors and walked away.

I felt awful so I went to the washroom and started crying. But after some I was fine so I went back to class.

When I went back to my class Louis came to me and we started talking.

Louis has been my friend for a long time now. So we had a nice chat.

I hope my this year is good and it doesn't bring many tears for me because I had loads of them last year.

A/N: Heyyy! So how was the first chapter. Most of it was true.
Though it was a bit awkward writing this but still I had fun.

To me this was kind of a friend to whom I'm telling my feelings.

There won't be much of Niall in the next chapter as well.
Pls give me some ideas for the ship name for Bella and Niall.
Don't forget to:

~Elsa :)

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