Chapter 17

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This is a short and rushed chapter!

Bella's P.O.V
Its been a day since our Annual Day got over. It had been a blast. Me and Niall had grown really close in this time. Whenever during the annual day he was tired he used to rest his head on the shoulder. And every time it used to send chills down my spine. But still he keeps on talking about that Beth. :( He just doesn't know how much it hurts me.

Now our holidays are going on and I've been working on my birthday party. Right now I'm at a mall for my birthday dress shopping. Till now I've just short listed two dresses.

My mum is looking for some jewellery with the dresses and whichever on looks good we're gonna buy that. Then I receive a text from Niall.

Him: hey babe! Wassup?
Me: Birthday shopping 😄
Him: Got something?
Me: Yup! But you'll only be able to see it on ma Birthday.
Him: oh! Okay. Actually I set the play list. Should I send it now?
Me: yup! Byee! Mum's calling 😊
Him: Bye babe 😉

Then he sent me the play list. It was awesome looks like someone spent a lot of time on my birthday play list :p

I ended up buying a white dress. It is just so pretty. ( I won't describe the dress for now. You'll see it in the next chapter as I'm gonna post a pic)

"Hey mum? Can I go to my bed to sleep? I'm really tired." I said as we reached home.

"Sure sweety!"

I went to my bed and lied down. In two days its my birthday. I can't believe it. Honestly man when Niall will see me dressed he is gonna fall for me.

My this Birthday is gonna be a Blast for sure :)

A/N: Ahhh! I know ridiculous chapter. But what can I do? I couldn't think of anything. So in order to make up with it DOUBLE UPDATEEE 😇😇😇

Also guys pls don't hate Niall his nature is like this only. Hard from the outside but soft for the inside I know that he's committed many mistakes but he is a really nice guy so pls don't hate him.

Song for this chapter is Goodbye by Mikey Cyrus.. I never thought one of her songs will be my favourite.. 😊

Happy Bella after she got her Birthday Dress 💜

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Happy Bella after she got her Birthday Dress 💜

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