Chapter 4

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Lisa's P.O.V
What the hell is going on with Bella? I mean she stays with Niall and Liam as if she has known then from a long time but it has only been 2 damn days. She has also been ignoring me so bad I dunno why.

"Hi Lisa!" Ellie and Sofia say in unison as they come to me near the water stand. "Hey!" I reply.

"Aww... Lisa you seem quite different. Is there a problem?" Sofia asked.
"You can share it with us if ya want." Ellie said.

I think I should tell them. So I tell them the whole story. How Bella is changing, how she ignores me etc.

"Oh really then you should ignore that bitch too!" Ellie told me.


"Lisa?" Sofia said while giving me a 'don't argue' look.

"Okay!" I said as I entered the class.

Niall's P.O.V
Today Bella was sitting with me. She is really amazing. I love talking to her. She really understands me and liam.

"Niall? I was wondering if I should talk to Lisa today I feel really weird ignoring her this way. :( " Bella said to me.

"No. You won't. She has hurt you Sooo much." I replied. Honestly how can she talk to Lisa after all this.

"Niall's right. You shouldn't she is not worth you." Liam said as he came and sat next to us.

Bella suddenly held our hands as we saw Lisa coming towards us.

"You bitch, stupid, jerk! How can you be with these douche bags? I thought we were besties." Lisa spat at bella.

"Shut. Your. Fucking. Mouth. Up. You were her best friend earlier now we are. And we can say the same to you. Now go and mind your own business." I said. I don't know why but when lisa said all that to Bella I felt hurt.

"You shut up! I was talking to Bella!" Lisa said.

"Fuck off you-" Bella cut liam in middle.

" just go Lisa. I don't want to see your idiotic face anymore." I could see tears forming in her eyes.

And then she ran to the washroom crying.

We tried to stop her but she didn't.
She came back after a few minutes. Her eyes were red from crying. So we both said in unison.

"Earth to the best girl ever... Earth to the best girl ever!!!" And we saw a small smile form on her face.

"Its to relieving see her happy right?" Liam whispered to me.

"Right" I replied.

A/N: Hola fellas! I kinda liked this chapter. Lisa was rude right?
Sorry for updating Sooo Late.

I know you would be wondering that Niall seems to like Bella but you'll get to know...

Any wishes for the next chapter's P.O.V?

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