Chapter 18

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Bella's P.O.V
"Omigod omigod Moommmm!" I shouted from my room. Its finally my birthday today I am soo honestly wearing that dress and I'll be meeting Niall. Ah! I can't wait.

All my cousins and relatives wished me at12 last night. Everyone had bought cake for me.

"What is it Bells?" My mun asked.

"Mum I don't know what to do with my hair and I only have half an hour to get ready.

"Put it in a bun or leave it loose. Try both of them and then see whichever looks better." My mum said in a Duh tone.

"Okay. Now go let me get ready."
I always behave this way when I'm exited.

I get ready and come out of my room.

"Bella? You are looking gorgeous love! Pretty." My dad complimented me.

Me and my dad are really close so I've got his habit of messing over dressing. Both of us take a lot of time to get the perfect look. My dress was white long and had a slit. I had my hair tied in a bun and I had applied lip gloss. I've never liked makeup except for eye liner.

"Let's goo bells!" My dad called from the car.



"Happy Birthday Bells baby!!" Lisa and Meg shouted as they came. They were the first ones to come.

"Thanks." I replied hugging them.

"You're looking amazing." Lisa said.

"You don't look bad yourself babe." I said. She was wearing a short dress which was red from above and black
From the waist. She had her hair loose as for meg she also had her hair loose. She was wearing a blue tank top and a short blue skirt.
Both my best friends were looking soo pretty.

Then one by one everyone started coming but honestly... I didn't care till Niall doesn't come.

"Happiest Birthday Bellababy!!" Liam also shouted as he came.

"Thankeew Leeyummm!!" I replied.

"Bella are any of your friends left?" My mum asked..
"Yeah mum Niall is left." I said.

"Call and ask him that is he even coming or not. "
" He will." I yelled at her. I already had tears in my eyes. My Ni Ni will come right? He won't do this to me! Will he? Noooo!

Then Lisa came and hugged me. She handed me the phone and told me to call him. .

"Hello?" I said.
"Hello Bella Happy Birthday!!" He replied.
"Er.. Thanks. You know you're late?" I asked hoping he'll say he is on his way.
"Umm.. I'm sorry bells I won't be able to come. I have some relatives coming over." He said his voice cracking.

I switched my phone before he could say anything else. What the Fuck does he think of him self huh? He thinks I won't have my birthday without him? I will and it will be the best one.

First I showed anger but then it started coming out as tears.

"How could he?" I cried in Megs arms. "Babe don't spoil your last birthday here because of him." She said.
Oh yeah! He won't be able to spoil my last birthday here.

"Why isn't there any music here?" I said wiping my tears.

Then every one started cheering.

We danced all afternoon then I cut my cake and this became my best birthday ever.


"How many gifts did you get?" My mum asked.

"22 gifts mum!" I said while jumping on my bed. I was soo happy today.

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