Chapter 16

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Bella's P.O.V
"Hey Lis! Hey Megan!" I said as I went and sat with them in the ground. Harry Niall and Louis are in their practice as they weren't acting good enough.

"Dare you call me Megan again Bitch. You know I don't like being called that name." She yelled as me and Lisa burst laughing.

"Calm down Meg-an!" Lisa said.

"Shut up!" Meg yelled again but this time she also joined us laughing.

"Guys I need to talk to you about something." I said.

"Oh is it about Niall?" Lisa asked me.

"Umm.. Yeah. How did you know?"

"Coz you babe are my bestie and yesterday when all of us were talking and jumping you were lost in thought and you were staring at Niall. I knew you were thinking about him." Lisa said.

"Omg! Lis you know me so well."

"Now shut up with the drama and start speaking Bells." Meg said. She doesn't like when me and Lis talk about all this stuff. Like' You know me soo well' ' We've known each other for Sooo long' and stuff. She's the sensible on of our trio.

"So, I think that Niall likes me too but at the same time Beth. I don't want to be the first one to propose him. I also don't want our friendship to spoil. I don't know what to do and now you girls tell me."

"Bells I think you should tell him. I also thinks Niall likes you." Lis said.

"No you shouldn't he might Friend zone you." Meg said.

"But Meg you haven't seen the way Niall looks at Bells." Lisa argued.


"Stop arguing girls!" I said to them.

"Oh Sorry." Both of them replied.

"I guess I'll ask Liam when we'll meet after the vacations." I said.

"Don't you know he'll tell everything to Niall. " Lis said.

"No He won't tell Ni. He's my best friend too." I spat at her.
Both of them looked at me in shock.

"Umm sorry."

"Oh okay. I guess its time for us to go for our practices." Lisa said. I could see she was hurt by my sudden reaction.

We bid goodbyes and went to our allotted rooms. As I entered the class the teacher said that we won't get any break now and we'll practice all day. That means I won't be able to meet any of my friends.

Ahhh! This is gonna be a long long day.






"Bella come down stairs this instant." Mum called me.

"Yeah?" I asked as I went to the kitchen.

"Have you forgotten that you have your birthday coming in about 2 weeks?"

"Holy mother of god mom! I forgot about that. So where are we gonna celebrated it? What time will it be Afternoon or evening? Are all my friends going to come? Will there be music? Have you called all the friends whose named were on the list I gave you?"

"Calm down love we are gonna celebrate it at Nandos. It will be in the afternoon but it'll last till evening coz the next day you have School. Yes all your friends are coming. Yes there will be music and yes I've called all of them." She replied answering all my questions.

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