Chapter 5

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Bella's P.O.V
Today me, Liam , Niall , Louis and Faith have to make a chart on human ear and display it on the class board. We all were really happy because of this we will get to miss 3 periods.

We started to make the chart.
"Niall is gonna draw as he has a very good hand in art." Faith said and we all agreed.
As Niall finished drawing I opened up the paints we started to paint the chart! It was amazing me, Louis and Faith were doing the painting part and I saw Liam just sitting there like an idiot and admiring our work.

" Excuse me Mr. Liam. If you are done with the staring at the human ear get your ass here and do some work if you don't want to get it from me!" I said jokingly.

" Sorry! But what do you want me to do?" He asked I kinda forgot the fact that he isn't good in drawing or painting.

" Okay so make us laugh. I mean entertain us." Niall said.

" Do I look like a Joker?" Liam replied.

" Shut up all of you." Louis and Faith shouted together.

"Sorry!" We three replied together.

And we all started to work again. I was doing most of the part so I sat down and said " I'm kinda tired so I need a few minutes break." So Louis and Faith continued to work.

Niall came to sit down beside me and Liam sat down beside Niall. I was just thinking about what fun could we do as we have the last period free today Niall kept his head on my shoulder and I felt something it was kind of a feeling I got when I loved Zayn ( my previous crush).

" Bella we need some help here. Could ya please come?" Faith called.

" Okay!" So I went to help them.

In the next 15-20 minutes our chart was complete. After it was done we went to show it to the teacher.

On our way I said to Liam and Niall "guys let's play truth, Dare and situation in the last period" and both of them agreed.

We showed the chart to Mrs Pauline and she loved it. So we went back to the class and attended our regular periods.

*At the time of Lunch Break*

I was sitting with Niall, Liam and Louis to have lunch when Lisa came up to me.

"Bella can I talk to you Alone for a moment." Lisa asked.

"No you can't. Not after what you said to her the other day." Liam said as Niall gave her a death stare.

"Just shut up Jerks. I said I need to talk to Bella not you. Bella please tell your stupid body guards to stay away as I was your friend first." This is when I slapped. Her.

A/N: Hey! So Bella slapped Lisa. Hahaha Now you don't know what happens next 😏

I was honestly crying while writing this chapie. :( I felt literally broke.

Yeah Bella has started getting to know her feelings for Niall but I guarantee you guys are gonna love the next chapter!

This chapter is dedicated to TayStyle18 coz she is amazing and she supports me a lot! Thank you love 😘😘

Till then... Byeee 😘

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