Chapter 8

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Niall's P.O.V
Bella kind of acts weird around me. I just dunno why! Anyway we are going for a movie today. Its me,Bells, Ellie :(, Dean, Matt and Shawn. I really love the fact that I will get more time to spend with Bells. She is really Cool. Just then I received a text from Bella.

Bella: Are you coming?
Me: Yeah! You? Please say you are.
Bella: Yeah of course I am. Can't miss it. I am damn exited.
Me: Cool meet you at the theatre. Byee
Bella: Byee... Umm... Can I ask you something?
Niall: of course you can.
Bella: Do you like spending time with me. Like I'm really moody and I cry on petty issues.
Niall: Never say that again or you are gonna get it from me. You are the best and you are my best friend. You and Liam are equal for me. Now don't think much about it and get ready the movie is in 1 hour.
Bella: Aww... Thanks. Meet ya!

What the hell is she thinkin? I like her a lot. she is like my sister.

Bella's P.O.V

Oh my god! Niall said he likes talking to me. Yay! I am sure he has feelings for me as well. :) :)

I start to get ready as I don't wanna get late. I have to spend time with Ellie because she is the only girl to agreed to go. But I'll try my best to sit with Niall.


I was late because there had been a fight on the road. I mean how silly people can be fighting on roads.

As I reached the first person I saw was Niall. He looked Handsome. So I entered the hall and Niall kept on moving near me so he could grab a seat beside me. So both of us sat together.

He kept on talking and saying I'm tired. Finally he kept his head on my shoulder and I tell ya it was the best feeling ever.

It was interval so all of us went to bring food together. I paid for Niall and my self. He had 'what the hell' look on his face.

"Return it to me later. Don't be such a dumbass."

"Shut up and let's go!"

So we went inside. The movie WAS finished so we went to have food.

"Did you like the movie?" Niall asked me.

" Yeah I loved it!" I replied.

" remember when you were gonna drink my Pepsi?"

*flash back*

I was so engrossed in the movie that I was gonna drink Niall's Pepsi and till the time I brought it to my face. I caught Niall staring that's when I realized it wasn't mine.
I said sorry and he just smiled at me.

*end of flash back*

" That was just a Mistake Niall!" I replied.

" I know!" He said as he started laughing so I joined him.

It was honestly an amazing day! Man I love this guy more and more each day! I just wanna tell you Niall but I'm scared it may ruin our friendship!

A/N: Sorry short chapter.
How is it? What do you think will Bella tell Niall? What about Lisa? If Liam likes Bella and Bella likes Niall will it break their friendship?

Guys pls answer the Questions!

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