Chapter 24

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Must read authors Note at the end.
Bella's P.O.V
Its been 2months since me and Niall came into a relationship. A lot happened in these months like our exams got over and a had i very good result and I couldn't change my parent's mind in shifting and right now my friends are planning my farewell.

"Bella? Please don't feel sad. We'll stay in touch." Liam said trying to stop me from crying.
"Yeah I was just worried about Niall he hasn't spoken anything since yesterday. Is he fine?"
"I don't think so bells. He is not over the fact that you'll go." Liam replied.
"What should we do? I can't see him like this."
"I think you should talk to him about it at today's party coz you won't get time after this you're gonna leave in a few hours." Liam suggested.

Gods just a few hours left for me to leave all this and go start a new life. How will I cope up?

" Lets Get ready." Lisa said.
"Okay!" We all replied.

------------an hour later---------------

"Ready?" I asked.

"Hey Ni baby." I said giving him a small kiss on his Cheek. He replied with a kiss on my cheek. Oh my how much will I miss his affection.

We all danced for like hours, we had food, we played games and now its finally time to say our final good bye.

I hugged everyone one by one. Liam, Lisa and Meg's hugs lasted for longer than the others.

"Niall? I need to say something."
"Yeah?" He said with a dull expression this tells me how much he will miss me but I need to do this.

"I think its time for us to break up. I don't think that a long distance relationship will work. I'm really sorry. I love you but I can't do this." Now my face was definitely red coz I was crying I have him one final hug.

"Okay bells. I understand but remember we'll always stay best friends and I'll never forget you or these two months coz these were the best ones of ma life. I love you." He said.

"Bye guys." I said as the car came and I went to start a new life. I hope I meet these guys again.

The end!!!

A/N: Finish! I'm literally in tears right now. This is my first fanfic and I had fun writing it. You people supported me a lot and I love all of you.

I know you don't like the way it ended. But guess what? There will be a SEQUEL❤❤❤❤


Please don't remove this book from you library coz I'm gonna post in here when the sequel is posted. I'll post it today it self :)

The song for this chapter is Skyscraper by Demi Lovato ❤❤❤

The song for this chapter is  Skyscraper by Demi Lovato ❤❤❤

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Pls read the sequel. I'll post it today itself :)

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