Chapter 14

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Niall's P.O.V

We are all sitting in the playground as the Annual Day practices are over. Me , Harry and Louis are in some patriotic act whereas Bella is in a water saving street play. And that asshole Liam is not participating so he'll only he coming to school for 5 more days and then he'll have his off's.

We have our practice for one hour and then we go to the ground and spend the rest of our time with friends.

"What the fuck? " I said as Bella told me that she she cleared the exam.
"Look I had to do it.. My parents had high expectations from me. But I'm seriously gonna miss ya guys." I said as my eyes started to fill with tears.

"Don't ya cry bells we're here for ya and don't be upset. I think... In order to stop you me harry, Niall and Louis will kidnap you." Liam said.

"Hahahahahah" we all burst out laughing.

Why on earth is Bella going I don't know what I'd do without her.

"Please don't go bells!" Louis said.

"Sorry I have to." She replied.

"Have you told Lisa and Meg about it? " Lou asked.

I saw Harry flinch at Lisa's name. Hahaha for the first time I saw Harry this way.

"Let's play TDS!" Harry said. So we all agreed but then Lisa and meg came and asked to play with us and Bella counted them in.

Harry's P.O.V

As Lisa came and sat there I felt really awkward like a feeling in my stomach. Am I really starting to like her?

"Harrehhhh!" Bella shouted in my ears.

"What?" I snapped at her. I really don't like people intruding between my thoughts.

I saw everyone's expression change from amused to shock.

"I'm.. Uh... So-" she was about to say when I cut her in between.

"Sorry me babe.. I didn't mean it to come out that harsh."

"Okie so Harry you got the question And Lisa got the option." Liam said.

"Wtf! Nooo" I said.

"Yes!" Louis said as I glared at him.

"So Lisa what do you wanna chose?" Meg asked.


"For how much time have you had a crush on me?" I asked. I don't know why but its the first question that popped into my head.

"Umm.. 5 yrs!" Lisa replied.

I was... Shocked. So was everyone except Meg and Bella.

"Why aren't you two shocked? You knew about it?" I asked both of them.

"Yup!" They replied in chorus.

The rest of the game went good until Louis proposed Meg. She started blushing so she stood up and ran inside Lisa ran after her.

"Omigod Lou! You really proposed?" Bella exclaimed.

"Yeah! I really have no idea how I picked up the courage to do so." He replied to her.

The rest of the day went well. I really need to talk to someone about my feeling towards Lisa. I think I should tell Niall.. Yeah that's it I'll tell Niall. Tomorrow it is.

( Sorry I know I promised to give you Liam's P.O.V but I guess i ll add it in the next chapter.)

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