Chapter 3

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Niall's P.O.V

The summer vacations are going to start in a few weeks. Like 2 weeks or so.

I was sitting with Liam and we were talking about some book named ' Fault in our stars' . He liked that book a lot so he kept on talking stuff about it. Suddenly Bella came up to us.

"Hey Liam, Hey Niall wassup? Liammm you always tell me which book you are reading. Why not this time?" She asked.

" oh! I'm sorry bells but I was reading a love story so I thought you might not like it." He said to her while showing her the book cover.

"I love love stories. Could ya pls give me the book after you've read it?" She asked again.

"Sure, by the way Niall has started showing interest in books now a days." He said

" Nice! So what king of books do you like ? " she said looking at now

" uh... I don't kno... I'm like not Sooo into this stuff right now" I replied give liam a 'what was this look'.

"Oh, OK soo bye Liam and Niall i guess I'll be going back to my seat now. The teacher must be here any minute now." She said as she started to leave.

" Bella wait, I need to talk to you" I said but then Liam looked at me "I mean we need to talk to you".

"Yeah sure!" She said and came and sat on the seat in front of us.

"I guess Mrs Pauline will let me sit here for today... If she doesn't notice." She said with a funny face on.

Then Mrs Pauline entered the class and we all had to sit for meditation. After that we did not get time to talk because of the regular classes.

At the time of lunch break!!!

Bella's P.O.V

So today I sat with Niall and Liam. Both of them are pretty cool. I guess amazing. So its lunch break now. Both of them asked me to sit with them and they said that it would only be the three of us as they wanted to talk something really serious with me.

We all sat together. Then Niall started to talk.

"Look, we both have noticed that there are some problems going on between you and Lisa but as far as Lisa is concerned she doesn't seem to care about it. But we feel really bad seeing that you stay alone all the time. So we were wondering if you...."

"Come in our group and you can share your problems with is if you want." Liam continued.

"Oh guys!" And I broke in tears.
"I never thought you guys will be Sooo understanding" I said with wiping tears of my face.

"Bella please don't cry. So we take that as a yes? You are a part of our group now?" Niall asked.

"Yes" I said with a small smile on my face.

A/N: Helloooo! So update again! This was a really good day for me. I thought of adding Lisa's P.O.V but then this was a really good ending Sooo...
This chapter goes to okaynalwayslove :) for the ship name ❤❤❤

You people didn't vote on time. But I really wanna write now so no challenges. I will keep updating just do me a favour ask others to have a look at this book.

Thanks! I'll update ASAP! :)

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