Chapter 22

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Bella's P.O.V
The past few days have been so amazing for me. The gifts I get by this mysterious guy are just so amazing. Today I got a Heart Keychain which was pretty cute and he knows my likings all the things are just the way I like them to be. Tomorrow is the 13th and then the prom I just can't wait for it.

"Bella go to sleep it's too late!"  my mum yelled from the kitchen.
"Okay Gn!"

Just when u was about to sleep when I remembered I don't have a dress for prom. So I texted on the girls 'what about the prom dress huh girls?'
So Cayl replied 'dont worry about that it's all done' 'oh okay good night'

I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Bella's P.O.V
I woke up with the sound of the door bell. I saw the time and it was 7:30 already. I went down stairs to look who it is when I reached I saw a big package with a small note with my name on it. Yes! Finally its the last gift and the final note. I open the note:

Hi Beautiful! How r u? I hope you liked all my presents. I spent a lot of time picking them up
Tomorrow is the final day and I hope you say yes. I've been waiting for this for a long time now. This is a dress I bought for you for prom. I hope you like it and wear it tomorrow. I will meet you at the time of dance :) Love you a lot babe ❤❤❤
-N :-)

So he is an N. He is Sooo cute i just can't wait to meet him tomorrow.

Niall's P.O.V
"Are you sure she'll like the dress? Will she wear it?" I asked the girls.
"Don't worry Nialler we know her really well okay?" Lisa said.
"But I haven't seen the dress and you sent it." I say now getting a bit angry.
"That's the point we need you to see her all dressed up." Harry said.
"Oh okay. I can't wait for tomorrow guys." I said.
"Me too" all of them said together.

I get ready and go to the jewelry shop to buy a promise ring for Bella. I just want her to be happy tomorrow.

Finally after 2hours of looking I find the perfect ring for my bells.

It just seemed small and cute as I know Bella likes these kind of small things

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It just seemed small and cute as I know Bella likes these kind of small things. I wonder how will she look tomorrow. 😇😇😇

A/N: I know I'm really lacking from ideas but what can I do. There will only be 2 more chapters for this book. The next one will be the Prom.

I feel really bad becoz of the decrease in votes.

I have it all planned out so don't worry people

The song for this chapie is Maybe by Daniel Skye ❤❤❤

The song for this chapie is Maybe by Daniel Skye ❤❤❤

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Bella ❤

Niall ❤

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Niall ❤

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