Chapter 6

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Bella's P.O.V

The moment I slapped her I regretted it. I mean I know she was rude but still...

"I'm sorry! I just got angry and... I seriously did not mean it." I said.

"Okay. I deserved this. But I seriously wanna talk to you bells. Its kinda urgent." She said. Shocked by her sudden regret I  gave Niall and Liam a quick glance and they told to go with her.
"Let's go!" I replied. So we both went to the class and sat in the corner.

"Okay so tell me." I said

"The thing is now I'm gonna tell you that why I've been talking to Sofia and Ellie so much.
Actually, we talk about crushes. Most of the girls know about it and I thought that u will think this is cheap so I didn't tell you. But I think its time."

I let that sink in. And I said. "Omg! You did not tell me? You know me from 9 years and you don't know I am interested in this stuff. Now tell me who your crush is."

"Um... Harry"

"Holy Mother of god! That idiot? I mean seriously?" I said laughing.

"Yeah you remember I told you that I liked him a few years ago? I haven't stopped liking him since. Now you tell me do you have a crush and who is it." She asked.

I did not have any crush at that time so I said the first name that came to my mind because I did not want them to chuck me out again.


"That guy from 9th omg! He isn't that good. But its okay." She said.

"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry too. I should've told u."

And we hugged each other.

"Jerks! Having a friends time and not calling me?  Hate you guys!" Meg came.

So we pulled her in a hug as well.


Niall's P.O.V

" I will never understand girls. One moment they are in a world war and the next they are hugging each other?" Liam said.

"Ikr!" I replied. As we both walked towards the girls.

" Girls? Its gonna be the last period in some time so let's sit together." Louis said.

" So I'll have to go. Meet ya all later." Meg said as she went back to her class.

"Let's start the truth and dare game!!!" Bella said excitedly.

"Okay. Let's spin the pen." Liam did as he spined the pen.

It landed on Bella and liam where Bella had to ask and Liam had to answer.

" So what do you choose? TDS?"

"I choose Truth!" Liam replied.

"Okay, who is your crush?"

"I actually have three One is Joe my neighbour, another is..... Meg And the third is.... I wont tell ask Niall."

"Niall?" Bella said looking at me.

So I pointed towards her.

Bella's P.O.V

Omg! Did Niall just point out at me? Noo, it can't be. Not me!

"Me?" I asked.
He just nodded.

But we continued the game without uttering a single word and Liam did not look at me the whole damn time.

I got to know that Niall has a crush on Beth if 7th class, Louis also has a on Meg and also they got to know about my crush (fake) Austin. We all had a lot of fun today.

I felt a tinge of jealousy wen Niall said that he likes Beth. I think I like Niall.

I still don't trust Lisa I feel she isn't right.

A/N: Hi! I am really upset today I had a fight with Niall (the real life guy). It was a really big fight. And I cried for like 2 hours today. But when I write this I feel good. So... Yeah that's it!

How was the chapter?

I dedicate this chapie to britneyfrancis because she really supports me by her comments and votes! Thanks

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