Chapter 7

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Liam's P.O.V
Yesterday was an amazing day! Me Niall, Bella and Louis and that Idiot Lisa had a lot of fun. Bella got to know about me liking her and I got to know that she likes Austin... I mean really? Austin? I don't like him! Curly hair!! I hate that guy. But Bella likes him. I just think I am jealous.  Whatever.

Lisa is a bitch. She is soo fucking bad. I am damn sure she will not be good to Bella. I am just worried about my... Um... Nothing...

It's kind if time for school now so I think I should get ready.


"Hey!" Niall said as I entered the class. 

"Hey! Where's bells?"

"Here she comes!" He said pointing at the door.

"Hey Guys!" Bella said.


"I need to talk to Lisa so I'll talk to ya guys later! Bye."

"Okay! Bye."

"What now Bella is gonna go away from us to that bitch? " I asked Niall.

"I dunno." Niall replied as we spent our time talking about the other day's truth and dare game.

Bella's P.O.V

I did not feel good when I told Niall and Liam that I'll be talking to them later. I don't like doing this to them but Then I need to talk to Lisa about something really important. I spotted her talking to Sofia and Ellie so I walked towards them.

"Hey Lisa! can I borrow her for a minute?" I asked Sofia.
"Sure babe!"

"What is it?" Lisa asked with a dull face. That was rude.

"I just wanted to ask that why are Ellie and Sofia so important to you? I mean is there anything you aren't telling me?" I asked.

"Oh gosh! Even if I tell you everything you won't believe. Even Sofia has a Crush on Harry!" She said as I looked at her shocked.

"Oh. Now I get all the time with those girls talking about Harry huh?"

"Yup! By the way can you please stay away from me? Ellie and Sofia don't like you so they are really angry about me talking to you!"

At this I really got angry. I mean she is telling me to stay away just because of those bitches?

"Okay then stay away from me." I said rudely.

"Yeah fine then. Honestly I just wanted to know all of your guys crushes. So all thanks to you I know them now. " Lisa replied.

"Bye!" I said as I went back to class. Niall and Liam saw my anger and came to me immediately.

" Bells? What's the matter?" Niall asked.

"Oh! Lisa did all of it again." I replied as I burst into tears so Niall kept his hand on my shoulder in order to comfort me. Chills went through my spine. 

I stopped crying as he held my hand  I felt that I have people who think of me who care for me. I love these guys and I think I am falling for Niall. But is it right to fall in love with my best friend. Even though he sees me as his sister... Omg! This is gonna be difficult for me.

A/N: I am falling in love with this book day by day! By the way our fight got solved and now we are besties again! Yay!

Anyway I won't be writing it the way it was planned. I wont be writing the real ending. The ending will be mine but the other stuff will be what really happened. I have a really nice idea in my mind and I guess it will be amazing to write it that way. This fanfic will be 25 chapters to the most.

Any wishes for the P.O.V?

This chapter is dedicated to ilovepizaaaa for the amazing cover!!! 😊

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